my boy

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Tani Pov
"Bitch I hate you!!!", Brandon yelled. "I hate you tok you've been acting like coon, you cheated on me you have connections with your ex still, and I am pregnant the fuck!!", I yelled. "Lemme expain so your sicko ass can HEAR!!", He yelled. "I don't got that much love from you, I still love Billie believe or not like or not I still love her, you carrying my kid, which I did not intend to make you pregnant I was drunk when we fucked", he explained.

"You still gotta care of this damn kid!", I exclaimed. "Yeah and I will not with you though!, Coparenting is a thing, I am tired of pretending that I like you", He added. "I am only with you because of my kid you cunt!, I knew you had you was crazy, you wanted me to get you pregnant so I can stay, which worked but it won't anymore, you threatned my whole family friends, the girl I love, tried killing them, you don't even like when I make interactions with another being, you got issues, too damn many, I don't even know if jesus can help you!!", he explained frustrated.

"So what is the plan?, because I don't wanna stay with you either especially after you cheated", I said pissed off. "I hope you telling the truth, I cheated because I was tired of your desert pussy", he exclaimed. "This is my condo, you've move in and so you move out", he told me. "Don't try nothing stupid I fight females too", He said as he walked away. "Ok, I will grab my things", I said softly. I texted my best friend, I was gonna go back to being her roommate.

He has been treating me like shit. He has been yelling at me and he almost but his hands on me. Multiple times actually. I smacked him a lot so I would understand why he's mad. As long as I am his baby mama I will be in his life. Just you watch he's be wrapped on my finger once again. I got my stuff and put hit in the trunk of my car. I drove to my best friends apartment and I brought everything in.

"Hey Alyssa!", I exclaimed. "Um I forgot to tell you, I took my name out of the lease, I will be leaving soon", she said as she opened the door. "I thought you was gonna help me with my pregnancy", I said as I was disappointed. "Yeah I know I'm sorry, I got college to start you have family members right?", she asked me. "Yeah", I said softly. "Well I got a thing to go to I will see you later", she said as she went to her car. At least she helped me bring in my stuff. I put the last box in the apartment. My kid isn't her responsibility and neither am I. I was just hoping that I had someone to help me with it all.

My parents are out of town and so are my siblings. I was gonna have to make a call. I called my mom she didn't answer and neither did any of my relatives. I left a message for all of them. I told them what happened. I needed to go out. I don't know where but I needed to leave. I was alone and I was bored. I opened the apartment door and this white dude was
looking right at me. "Hey ma'am", he said as he waved at me. "Hey", I said as I frowned. I don't mean to be mean but he looked dirty.

"My name is Ed", he said as he leaned on my car. "My name is tani", I said as I shook his hand. "So you live here too huh?", He asked. "Yeah that's my apartment door right there", I said as I pointed. "Maybe you can show me your apartment", he suggested. "Sure", I said as I opened the door. Next thing I knew we was kissing on Alyssa's bed. He pushed me down and was so rough. Once he'd started I wasn't feeling it. The baby starting pushing harder and harder. "Ahhh", I groaned out of pain.

"Are you ok?, am I hurting you?", He said as he pulled himself out of me. "No well yes, sorry I forgot to mention that I am pregnant we can't do it", I said as I felt embarrassed. "The baby was kicking?", He asked as he sat down next to me. "Yeah very hard" I said as I sat up. "Maybe, I can rub your tummy for you", he suggested as he smiled right at me. "I'd like that", I smiled.

Nikita Pov
I was thinking about Gawa's dating request. He's been really sweet towards me. I think he's being this nice to me to get with me. I am hoping if I actually get with him that he will continue acting this way. Seven has been good on his own. College has been stressful but it'll all be worth it. Overall I wasn't really picturing myself in a relationship as of right now. But I feel like maybe being in a relationship or speaking to someone will be cute.

I already connect with Gawa and support everything he does like his clothing line. I think we'd be good for each other. Although I do feel bad because I didn't want him at first. He might get mad at me I have no idea but I won't know unless I do it. So I went by his crib. He is living with prince. They was living with Seven as well. But they moved out after he went wild and now has an baby mama. I parked my car and I knocked on the door.

"Oh hey Nikita", Gawa said. "Hey Gawa, so I was thinking about your dating request", I said. "Mhmm", he added. "I really do feel bad for possibly making you feel bad the first time, I had thought of it and was thinking of giving you a try", I said shyly. "Oh so now you want me after you curved me?", He asked with an sassy tone. "Yeah...", I said awkwardly. "Wow that's crazy, I am just kidding I ain't too pissed about it haha, if you do wanna be with me now that cool, I still like you and it's all about comfort", he explained. "Yeah so can I get a hug?", I asked him smiling. "Sure come here", he said smiling , he hugged me.

"Aye!, my dawg got him a girl-, wait what you was talking about that Nikita?", Prince exclaimed as he came by the door. "Yeah dude", Gawa said. Oh shit I thought you was talking another chick, Seven is cool with this?", He asked them. "Yeah I talked to him about it", I said laughing. "Damn I thought you meant Nikita dragun", Prince joked. "Boy stop playing, come inside", Gawa said as he opened the door. "Yeah come inside, just don't suck his dick", Prince joked again. "I won't", I said as I cackled.

chile tani was tryna get that white chocolate dick Ed sheeran lawd.

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