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Prince Pov
Everyone around me is cuffed up. I feel a little lonely. I have been just vibing you know? Just living life. My friends are all doing relationship shit. I have been hella bored lately. Playing with myself hasn't been that fun anymore.(pause) I just have been going out back to back just to keep he busy. I went into this clothing store. I was thinking maybe I can grab some new stuff. "Hey you like that top?!", a girl yelled at me.

"Yeah it's pretty cool I was thinking about getting it", I said smiling as I looked her way. "It's a nice piece you should get it, I think it would look good on you, she said as she smiled back at me. "I'm Emily", she said as she put her hand out to shake. "Prince", I said as I shook her hand. She was pretty cute and got her to tell me her name she seemed interested.

"I like your demon hat it looks pretty cool", she said as she looked at it. "Thanks, I like your smile", I said smiling at her. "Sorry, I should get back to work", she said shyly. "No stay", I said as I cuffed her face and gave her a peck kiss. She let go and smiled at me. She seem to enjoy it. "So you gonna give me your number?", I asked as I licked my lips.

"What?, oh yes", she said as she grabbed her pen and a sticky note. "Here you go", she said as she handed it to me. "Thanks, I will be calling now if you can ring me up for this top that'll be nice", I asked. "Yeah sure sure", she said shyly. She was so adorable and shy it was cute. I liked her blonde hair. She seemed really good at her job. "That'll be $25", she said. "Ok, here you go", I said as I gave her cash. "Ok, have a nice day and call me", she said smiling. "Will do", I said smiling as I left the door.

Well I guess I won't be too lonely now. "So she gave you her digits?", Gawa said. "Yep, I am finna call her later", I said as I ate my sandwich. "Call her right now", he said as he wiped mustard of his face. "Nah, I will later I'd look mad desperate", I said shaking my head. "If you don't call now, she'll think you don't want her trust me as I girl I will know", Nikita said. "But she at work", I said softly. "You're just pussy that's all", Seven said. "Yeah whatever", I said as I glared at him.

"Lemme call shorty", I said as I pulled out my phone.
"Hello?", I said. "Hi, is this prince?", she asked. "Yeah this is prince, save my number ight?", I added. "I will", she said chuckling. "I will save yours too, are you still on your shift?", I asked her. "Yeah sadly, why?", she asked. "Well I was wondering if you wanna do something if not tomorrow", I added.

"That sounds nice, um my manager is yelling at me, can we discuss the details later?", she asked. "Sure" I said. "Ok bye boo", she said hanging up. "What she say?", Seven said. "We gotta plan where we're gonna go for tomorrow and she called me boo", I said shortly. "Sounds good", Nikita added. "You got yourself a girl", Gawa said as he shook me, causing me to laugh. Looks like I got me a girl indeed


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