Chapter 3

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"When will he finally wake up?"

Pain. A sharp pain. It felt like lightning bolts flashed through his head. His legs were burning. He moaned.

"Stop talking..." He mumbled. He squeezed his eyes together and started to blink. After his eyes got used to the bright lights, he could finally open them. Kyle and Stans smiling faces greeted him and even if he was in pain, Kenny smiled back. Even Eric was sitting in the back of the room and waved.

"Hi Kenny"

"Hey" He answered.

"Oh dude, you're finally awake." Stan said.

"Yeah... how long have I been gone?" Kenny said and sat up carefully. Eric stood up and went to his bed.

"Well... It's been three years."

Kenny gasped. "What?!"

"Dude, stop fucking with him!" Kyle growled and hit Erics arm who started laughing.                                 

"But look at his stupid face!" Eric shouted and laughed even more.

"Kenny, it's only been two days, don't worry." Stan said. Kenny flipped Eric off.

"They fixed your nose, the burns at your legs and the rest of the wounds all over your body." Kyle said and set down on the bed next to him.

"That's why I feel like death warmed up. Have you guys been here the whole time?" Kenny asked.

"No. But when we weren't here it was either Tweek and Craig or Jimmy and Token." Stan said.

Kenny almost did not believe his words. He thought if he ever woke up after a hospital visit again, he would be alone. Like he always was.

The doctor entered room. "Mr. McCormick I see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Kenny sighed. "Well, my head hurts like hell and my legs are burning."

The doctor checked his burns. "Luckily, the most of them are first-degree burns, there are only a few second-degree burns. You will get enough medication for the pain. Your nose is not broken but you have some bruises and wounds all over your body. You will also get different ointments for that." She said. Kenny nodded and realized how tired he was. Didn't he just sleep for like two days straight?

"We will probably discharge you tomorrow. But until then, you can continue to sleep. Your body really has some work to do." She said smiling and left the room.

Kenny sighed and closed his eyes. Then, out of nowhere, a thought flashed through his mind and he could hit himself for not thinking earlier about this.

"Where is Karen?" He almost shouted.

"She's still at my house. My mom told your parents what happened and if it is okay if she stayed over. Luckily, they said yes."

Kenny breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god..." He mumbled.

"So dude, I think it's the best if you continue to sleep now. We will pick you up tomorrow. And try not to worry so much, okay?" Kyle said and patted his hand. Kenny nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, guys. Really."

"No problem. We're best friends, right?" Eric said as they went to the door.

"Goodnight Kenny!" Stan said while leaving the room. Was Kenny hallucinating or did Stan just hold Kyles Hand? He shook his head. He better got some sleep now.

When he woke up the next day, the pain was still there but it already got better. He did not really want to leave the hospital. Even though he still hated it, it was nice to have a few days just for himself where he did not worry about anything. But he knew that the holidays were over and his life needed him back.

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