Chapter 4

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Kenny was bored. There was just nothing to do. 

He already finished his math homework, asked his sister if she could draw the picture for her and watched the other Transformers movie he luckily had downloaded on his phone. And he slept a lot. 

He checked in with his friends if there was anything new regarding the internet situation. They found two more antennas, but it seemed like there were more, since the internet did not come back yet. 

Now he checked the time every ten minutes until it was finally 2pm. He got up, got in the shower, brushed his teeth, put some hair gel in his hair and tried on various t-shirts. Finally, he put on a Guns n Roses one and nodded at himself in the mirror.

"It's just Butters. Relax, dude. Okay, he is hot in a weird, innocent, inconspicuous way, but you also managed your crush on Kyle in tenth grade very well. This is not any different."

He did not really convince himself. The doorbell rang, so there was not enough time left to talk it through with his mirror image again. Kenny went down the stairs, he could still feel the burns on his legs, but the pain was not as bad as a few days ago. 

His parents were in the kitchen and Karen was in her room, so Kenny could let Butters in without annoying comments. He ran his fingers through his hair one last time and opened the door. 

Butters' smiling face greeted him. He was wearing a light blue sweater with a darker denim jacket, black pants and a pair of converse. In his hands he held a bag, probably with the snacks in it. Kenny had to admit, he looked pretty cute.

"Hi!" Butters said.

"Hey. Nice to see you, come in" Kenny answered and stepped away so Butters could enter. He closed the door behind him.

"How are you feeling?" The smaller blonde asked. Kenny shrugged his shoulders.

"A little bit better. The headache is not that worse today. And you?"

"Me?" Butters seemed like he was a little bit confused with that question. "Uhm, I feel good I guess. I am happy we're gonna watch the movie together" He smiled.

Kenny nodded and smiled back. "Me too. Let's go upstairs then."

Butters went up the stairs and Kenny followed him. And of course, he could not help but to stare at his butt. It was right in front of his face. And the pants Butters was wearing were kind of tight. In a good way.

They went into Kenny's room and Butters put the bag on his desk. Kenny already got his old laptop where they could play the DVD.

"Let's get started with the homework quickly so we can finally chill" Butters said and yawned.

"Haven't you slept well last night?" Kenny asked while getting his school things together. Butters shook his head.

"Not really. I almost fell asleep in school as well." He chuckled and grabbed his schoolbooks out of his backpack. They sat down next to each other and began to work on their homework, Kenny explaining Butters the math stuff and Butters trying to convince Kenny that he should draw his portrait for art himself. After an hour, they were finally done.

"So, where should we watch the movie?" Butters asked and looked through Kenny's room.

"Uhm, I thought we could just chill in my bed with the laptop?" Kenny said, but it sounded more like a question. It was no big deal, why was he so insecure about it? It is not like he never chilled with a friend in his bed watching a movie. But he was scared Butters would take it the wrong way. Because he did not really know how he meant it himself.

"That's fine" The blonde one said and sat down on the bed. He took of his shoes, grabbed his bag and laid the sweets on the mattress.

"That looks good" Kenny said and sat down next to him.

"I forgot to ask what your favorite candy is so I just bought different ones so you could choose" Butters said smiling.

"That is really so nice of you Butters!" Kenny said and pulled his laptop on his legs. Butters handed him the DVD and Kenny put it in. He moved back to the wall so he could lean on it with his back and Butters did the same.

"So start?" Kenny asked and Butters nodded. He pressed play.

An hour later, both boys did not sit anymore, but laid on the bed. It was more comfortable like this. Kenny still had the laptop on his lap and Butters lied on his side to get a better view. 

Kenny silently cursed Butters for smelling so good. It might sound cliché, but he really smelled like flowers. Kenny did not know enough about flowers to be able to tell what he exactly smelled like, he just knew it smelled really nice. So nice that he caught himself a few times closing his eyes and just enjoying it. 

Butters on the other hand seemed like he could concentrate perfectly. He sighed at the right times, gave little comments about how cute or how exciting a scene was and even grabbed Kenny's hand when Romeo found Juliet's dead body. And apparently, he forgot about it because he did not let go of his hand until the movie ended. Kenny tried to keep his cool which was hard because his hand started to sweat like crazy. Finally, Butters let go of his hand, wiped some tears away and smiled at him.

"And did you like it?"

Kenny sat up a bit and tried to wipe away the sweat on his hand as inconspicuous as possible.

"Uhh yeah. I guess. It is not my favorite movie ever but it was not as boring as I expected. But you have to admit that you really have to get used to the language."

Butters chuckled. "You are right." Then he yawned again.

"Still tired?" Kenny asked.

"A little bit. And laying in your bed does not make it easier" He said and laid back down. "It is really comfortable"

Kenny was surprised. His bed was old, he luckily just changed the sheets so it was clean, but he never thought somebody else would fine his bed comfortable. It creaked and was a bit unstable and he actually was kind of embarrassed for not having a better bed. But Butters already closed his eyes. Kenny smiled and put his laptop away. He then grabbed his blanked and pulled it over him and Butters.

"We can talk a little bit about the movie if you want" Butters mumbled and looked at Kenny with sleepy eyes, still laying on his side. Kenny nodded and turned to him.

"That sounds like a good idea." Kenny answered. But before they could start talking, Butters fell asleep. Kenny saw how his facial expression got even softer and his breath got slower and calmer. Kenny watched Butters silently, still fascinated by the smaller blonde boy. He has known him since kindergarten and he always knew Butters was not like everybody else but... Now it really seemed like that was a good thing.

Not even a minute later, Kenny fell asleep, too. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! University is killing me at the moment, but it will be better in a month hehe

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