Chapter 1

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"Leave me alone" Kenny grumbled in his pillow with a scratchy morning voice. Karen stood next to him and shook his shoulder to wake him up. Kenny buried his blonde hair even deeper into the pillow.

"You have to wake up, we need to go to school! We will miss the bus!"

"Fuck it, I am not going" he growled, still half asleep. He had a wonderful dream of him as Mysterion who caught Professor Chaos and watched Porn the rest of the day.

"But I don't want to walk alone. And don't forget your promise!" said Karen. Kenny took a deep breath and slowly got up. His face was squishy and he could not manage it to fully open his eyes, but he stood up and reached for his jeans.

"I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes, okay?"

"Fine" Karen answered. "But don't take any longer, I hate coming too late." And she left the room.

Kenny moaned, slipped in his jeans and put on a regular black T-shirt. He went into the bathroom, brushed his hair and teeth, splashed some cold water in his face and looked at his wounds in the mirror.

The black eye was fading away but you could still see it, and the little wound on his upper lip was bleeding again, because he brushed his teeth not really careful. He sighed and left the bathroom, grabbing the orange parker and heading downstairs.

His parents were nowhere to be seen, so he grabbed two bananas and two apples from the kitchen. Karen was waiting patiently for him on the sofa and smiled when she saw him.

"Here" Kenny handed her one banana and one apple while opening the door.
"What time is it anyway?" he asked and zipped his jacket up.
"We have ten minutes left" Karen answered.

"Oh shit!" Kenny shouted, grabbed her hand and started running. They couldn't run all the way without some little breaks, so they arrived at the school a few minutes too late. Kenny put his fruits in his backpack and gave Karen a little kiss on the forehead before he headed to his class. He took a deep breath before entering and knocked on the door. He opened and went into the classroom, of course everyone was staring at him. He waved awkwardly and sat down at his table.

"You are late, because...?" The teacher asked.

Why did he have to be so annoying right now?

"Because I did not want to be here in the first place, that's why" Kenny mumbled in his parka.

The students that sat next to him understood what he just said, but luckily the teacher didn't. He looked a little bit confused but decided to just move on with his lesson.

Kenny really did not know why he was in such a bad mood but he decided to juts stay silent and not let it out on someone innocent.

In the first break, Kenny went onto the schoolyard with his friends and sat down on a table tennis table next to his friends. Nobody really knew what they should talk about, everyone just had their newest mission on their minds, but it was one of the most important rules not to talk about it in school where everyone could hear it.

"Hey guys!"

Especially when not-members were with them.

"Hey Butters" Kyle greeted him.

Butters smiled innocently while looking at the friends. "Everything okay you guys? You are so quiet."

"Of course we are quiet you fag, we can't really talk about the new World of Warcraft game that got released yesterday." Cartman said.

"I don't think it's so bad that the internet is down. Now we have more time to reconnect to our friends and to nature!"

Kenny looked in Butters smiling face and chuckled. Even though he was super pissed about the internet situation, when he was listening to Butters ideas, he could think of worse scenarios. Cartman wasn't amused with Butters statement, he got up his seat and pushed the smaller blonde away from him.

Run bunny, run (Kenny x Butters)Where stories live. Discover now