Chapter 5

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When Kenny woke up, it was already dark outside. 

At first he did not really realize what happened until something moved in his arms. He blinked a few times and looked down. Right in Butters face. 

Kenny flinched but tried not to move again right afterwards because Butters seemed to mumble something. He did not want to wake him up. Especially since Kenny was spooning him from behind and that would be super awkward. 

He slowly raised his arm that laid over Butters' body and grabbed his phone from his pocket. It was around ten o' clock. Kenny gasped when he realized that Butters would probably be grounded for life since he did not come home, so Kenny decided that it would be the best to wake him up now. 

But first he needed to get away from this cuddle position. Butters head was resting right on his other arm and Kenny was pretty sure that it was already numb. He tried to pull it slowly towards him while being as quiet as possible. But as he leaned back to get more space, he forgot for a second that his bed ended right behind him. 

He felt like losing balance so he made a little panicking sound as he held on to Butters shoulder in reflex. He caught himself quickly, but he also woke Butters up. The smaller blonde boy lifted his head which was still turning away from Kenny and yawned.

"What...?" He mumbled and then he seemed to get to the same realization as Kenny.

"Oh my god what time is it?" He asked and turned around, grabbing Kenny's phone out of his hand and getting pale when he saw the time.

"I... I am sorry Butters I really did not think I would fall asleep as well" Kenny said, not knowing how to save the situation. Butters sat up and searched for his phone. When he found it, he looked at it with a terrified expression.

"Oh god they tried to call me six times!" He whined. Kenny sighed and tried to think of a solution, but he could not think of one. In that moment, somebody knocked at Kenny's door. His parents never knock when they come into his room, so when somebody does it, it would be Karen.

"Come in" Kenny said and Karen entered the room. Butters was still looking at his phone, almost tearing up.

"Uhm Karen, this is Butters" Kenny said. "Butters this is my little sister, Karen" Kenny introduced them awkwardly and sat up as well. Karen raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah I know him from school."

"But I never really introduced you to each other" Kenny answered and gave Karen a warning look.

"I don't want to interrupt... whatever you are doing right now, I just wanted to say that Butters' parents called a few hours ago."

Butters jumped up in the bed. "What? What did they say? Oh my god I am so dead!"

Karen sighed. "I wanted to borrow your Harry Potter hoodie because I was freezing so I came into the room. You two were asleep pretty deep and looked kinda cute while you were cuddleing so I did not want to wake you up."

Kenny wanted to throw a pillow at Karen to make her stop, but he just shook his head while glaring at her.

Karen did not seem to get the hints from Kenny, she just saw Butters confused face.

"I even took a picture of it, do you want to see it?" Karen hold up her phone.

"What? No, Karen you stalker!" Kenny growled and fell back into his pillow.

"Uhm... Yes you can show me the picture but uhm... what did my parents say again?" Butters asked politely, even though he was clearly freaking out.

Run bunny, run (Kenny x Butters)Where stories live. Discover now