Chapter 6

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A/N: I really did not expect all those votes & comments, thank you guys, you are the cutest (and horniest)! It's mainly because of you that I get back to this fanficiton and I hope the next chapter won't suck, I'll try my best to get back into the writing flow as quick as possible. I remember planning the story but I lost the note. Well, it's been two years so let's just see where the flow will go. And no, my english has not improved in this time haha. This chapter is mainly for me to get back into writing before we continue with the very serious (/s) main storyline. Okay, enough blah blah, have fun reading! <3

Usually, Kenny did not really pay attention in class. He wasn't able to focus on the teacher more than a few minutes until he got bored and his thoughts drifted away. He would count the windows or the drawers in the cupboards next to the door. Or he would try to find different patterns in the ceiling. It didn't matter if he listened to the teacher or not, he always knew what they where talking about. His mind couldn't focus for long, but it was fast. Especially when it came to mathematics. It was just locial. He knew how the teacher would solve difficult functions on the board, because he saw the numbers long before they wrote them down. It was different in subjects like english, where the letters seemed to dance around on the pages in front of him. He needed to blink multiple times to move them back to their original places before he could continue. Thats why he spent hours in searching for a free download of a Romeo and Juliet audiobook, but there was just nothing available. And since the internet shut down in the whole city, he gave it up completly. 

Today was different. Kenny was sitting in math class, trying to focus for once but nothing reached his brain. It was packed full of memories of last night. How Butters hair smelled when it tickled his nose. How warm his body was right next to his own. How soft his hands where when they held each other in the middle of the night. And the adorable sounds of the taller boy's snoring. 

Kenny wanted to think about math so badly. He chose to sit at a different table today, right in the front, so Butters would be out of sight. Just knowing that he sat in the same room as him drove him crazy. 

Yes, the night was really beautiful, but now the sun was shining bright. 

Butters slept peacefully through the whole night while Kenny wasn't able to close his eyes. He got a few minutes of sleep right before he woke up. With one of the biggest morning woods he ever had.

He basically fell out of his bed while trying to get to the bathroom as quickly as possible. He did not care about waking Butters up as long as he could hide this thing from him. 

But Kenny wasn't able to forget how Butters turned around to him, still sleeping, and also hard as a rock. 

Kenny did not move for a few seconds until Butters finally opened his eyes. He looked at him with a tired smile and Kenny got pale. He needed to go to the bathroom NOW! 

He turned around, ready to tun out of the door and slammed his whole body right agaist the wall. That shit hurt. 

"Mr. McCormick, could you please come to the front to solve this problem?" 

What? Kenny looked confused. He stared right at the teacher who seemed to be talking to him. 

"Sorry?" He answered. 

"Please come to the front and solve this mathematical function." The teacher said. 

Fuck. He felt it before he looked down. Thinking about what happened in Butters pants in the morning did something to him. Something big. 

"Ehh, no. I can't. Have no idea." He said, begging that the teacher would leave him alone. 

She didn't. Of course not. She knew that he was able to solve almost every mathematical calculation she threw at him. 

"Come on Kenny, what's the problem? Isn't the math mathing anymore?" Cartman said from the back of the class. Kenny turned around. 

"That doesn't even make sense fattass" He answered. It didn't matter, Cartman was already laughing his ass off. 

Good for Kenny, because now the teacher called Cartman to the front. Eric tried to argue about how unfair this was and how he would complain to the Headmaster, but the teacher didn't care. Cartman stood up, went to the board and tried his best to not embarrass himself. 

Kenny could not resist the urge to look at Butters anymore and tuned around again. The blonde boy was staring right in his eyes. Kenny sharply inhaled, choked on his own spit and began to cough. His head turned red, he grabbed his books, placed them in front of his crotch and stood up. 

He was able to say: "I have to go to the toilet!", before he continued coughing and left the classroom. 

What. The. Fuck. 

What was wrong with him. Never before was he so off track. Yes okay, the morning could not have been more embarrasing for him. But who cares? It's just Butters. He knew him since ages. Hurting his eye with a ninja star didn't feel as bad as everything that happened in the last 12 hours. 

After crashing into his wall he tumbled out of his bedroom and locked himself in the bathroom. He took a cold shower, hoping for his problem down there to go away. It usually helped, but nothing. He wasn't sure if he had enough time to just jerk off. But it seemed like he needed to try. 

It didn't take as long as he thought. After a couple of minutes, he came back into his room with a towel wrapped around his hips. Butters was already back in his clothes from yesterday with the difference that he wore one of Kenny's T-shirts. 

"Looks good on you" Kenny said smiling. Butters made a turn to show off his outfit. 
"Well, if it looks better on me than on you I'm keeping it." He said. 

Kenny smirked and shook his head. "Impossible." 

The boys didn't have a lot of time left for more conversations about clothing. Kenny quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a Guns and Roses T-shirt, not really caring that Butters was still in the room. Since he got rid of his problem he got nothing to hide. 

"Don't... don't you wear underpants under your jeans?" Butters asked confused. 

Kenny stood back up and grinned. "Never." He walked up to Butters and got a little bit closer than he would to his other friends. "I need the space. You should try it as well. It gives you a sense of freedom." Kenny winked. Butters turned red. 

"I'll try, I guess..." Butters answered. 

Thanks Butters. Now Kenny could not get the thought out of his head that Butters might not be wearing any underwear at the moment. 

"What is wrong with me" Kenny muttered while walking towards the toilets. It certainly wasn't the first morning he woke up with a full erection and it he also knew that boobs and vaginas weren't the only hot body parts a person could have. 

Kenny did not label himself and yes, he had crushes on his friends before, but it never fucked his brain up like this. 

He immediately lit up a cigarette whe he arrived at the boys bathroom. The smoke filled his lungs and he closed his eyes, finally being able to calm down a little. 

It was nothing. He was just being extremly horny today. He hasn't been laid since a few days which felt like ages. Being tied to his bed with all of his wounds kinda ruined the mood for him, even though he sometimes liked a little pain in the bedroom. But he just wasn't feeling it. Well, until last night. 

He fumbled his phone out of his pocket. 

To: Tammy
Wanna hang out tonight?

A few seconds later he got the answer.

From: Tammy
Would love to.

Thank god. After some sex his brain would be functioning normal again and he was able to focus on his other big problem: Kicking Professor Chaos' ass. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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