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PArt 2 from first one 

warning- bad words violence 


Willie POV

"Look at you u are disgusting u wear girl's clothes u have pierced ears, u are like Alex's Little bitch!"  Luke yelled at me. 

" Stop!" ALex yelled. 

"why do you care I love Willie U sound just like my parents," ALex said. 

"I just don't want you marrying a bitch whore," Luke said. 

My babe started crying. 

"Shh calm down buddy breathe," I said. I started touching him helping him move to the couch. luke and the rest left. 

3rd POV 

"Have you been sleeping?" Willie frowned at Alex.

Alex rubbed a hand over his face and smiled wanly in Willie's general direction. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh yeah?" Willie nudged his knees apart and stepped in between them. He cupped Alex's face in his hands and gently tilted it up so Alex was forced to meet his eyes. "You don't look fine to me."

Alex pouted. "Are you saying I look like crap?"

"In the nicest possible way," Willie agreed, chuckling. He rubbed his thumb gently underneath Alex's eye and leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose. "You have bags under your eyes, babe. You look really tired."

"Nah, I'm fine." Alex settled his hands on Willie's hips and pulled him in a little closer. "I just need a kiss."

"Well, you can have a kiss, but in return you're going to come over to the couch and have a nap with me."

"Fine," Alex grumbled, and tilted his head back a little further to invite Willie down to his mouth. Willie grinned and leaned in to kiss him, slow and gentle. Alex almost felt like he could fall asleep right there with Willie's mouth on his.

But then Willie was pulling back, dropping his hands to grab Alex's and tugging him to his feet.

"Come on, you'll be happy once you've rested."

"I was happy kissing you."

"Well if you sleep, maybe you will get more kisses later."

"Maybe?" Alex squawked.

Willie grinned. "Maybe." He dropped onto the couch and Alex settled in front of him with Willie's arm tight around his middle, his face pressed to the back of Alex's neck. It was extremely comfortable with Willie wrapped around him, and Alex found himself drifting almost immediately. The last thing he remembered was Willie pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.

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