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The boys meet Ray and Carlos at family dinner. they can see each other Ray and Carlos don't know ALex is gay. the were ghosts now humans ♡ emoji means no ships

3rd Pov

The boys were getting ready for dinner. JUlie came up to tell them it was ready. At the table, they were all sitting down with food in front of them " Let's say grace," Ray said. Alex shot a glace up. "what um you say grace," Alex asked. "Yea is something wrong?" Ray asked. It took a while and The band got it. "Papi we don't have to say grace if Alex doesn't want to," Julie said. "No it's fine You can say grace and I will be right back um Jules where's the bathroom?" Alex asked. "We can wait," Ray said. "No, it fine really," Alex said and walked to the bathroom. He sat down on the counter and cried. 

"Is he okay," Ray said. " Yea he is fine to let's say grace," Luke said. " I will go," Reggie said. "In the name of the father-son and holy spirit amen," They said in unison. "Thank you, God, for letting us all eat together and that we have a house and that Ray has a job to help us out Amen," Reggie said. "Name of the father, son, and the holy spirit amen," again they said in unison. "I'm gonna get Alex," Luke said. He walked to Alex and sat against the door. "Hey lex we are done sorry that happened we should have known you don't even need to tell him if you are not ready," Luke said. Alex jumped down said thanks and wiped the tears. They sat back down. 

"Hey," Alex said and started eating.  later his phone dinged. "So sorry I will mute this. He took it out seeing that Willie texted him "Hey babe can we hangout something I really miss you If we are lucky maybe we can....;) anyway, love you! :)" Alex smiled. "who texted you your girlfriend?" Carlos said and laughed. "Carlos stop," Julie said. " Why is he single?" Carlos said. "Please stop," Reggie and Luke said. "Why he probably texting his girlfriend talking about things," Carlos said.

"I'm g-g-g-gay and I have a b-b-b-boyfriend," Alex said. 

"what?" Ray said.  "Um what does the mean," Carlos asked. " It means he likes boys or if you like your same-sex you are considered gay," Luke said. Alex was frozen nor moving fidgeting with her hand. "Papi can I invited someone real quick to help Alex," Julie asks. "Sure Mija is he ok," Ray asked. " Yes, he is I know him he is just shocked to come out right now," Luke said. Willie came in. "Babe are you ok," Willie said. Alex stood up and hug Willie. (A/N like the hug stand tall hug) He hugs Willie and didn't let go. " I love you," Alex said. They broke the hug. " uh hey Ray Carlos This is my boyfriend Willie," Alex said. Ray hugged Alex. " I love you no matter what," Ray said. 

They sat at the table. " So tell me some things about yourself," Ray said. " You can go, Reggie," Alex said. " ok I am 16 I play bass and I have a sister she is 18 and I am bisexual and have dyslexia," Reggie said. "I am 18 play guitar and no siblings but I am pansexual and have ADHD," Luke said. " I am 17 play drums have a brother he is 19 and a sister who is 14, and I am gay and have anxiety," Alex said. "oh wow he did you and willie meet, Alex?," Ray asked. " I was going for a walk and he crashed into me I fell in love with him and we had our first kiss after we played the Orpheum," Alex said. Willie kissed Alex on the head. "yall want dessert," Ray asked. 

Posted 2 days in a ROW WOOOOO

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