🌸Jules I'm Gay🌸

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Alex POV

"Julie Im gay," I told her. Today was the day I was gonna come out. " You fuckin fagot!!!," JUlie yelled at me as she hit me several times. "What!?" I yelled. "You are a favor for liking boys," Julie said. Willie came in. "Woah babe what's going on!" Willie said. "Your dating this fagot," Julie said. 

I woke up "baby," I said and hugged Willie who was sleeping next to me. "What's up," Willie said. "Can we cuddle," I said. He nods

The cuddle is like the picture on the incorrect quotes part 6


"Great practice," Julie said. "Hey Jules can I tell you something," I asked. Today was the day I was gonna come out and say I'm gay. "Sure what's up Alex," Julie said. "I'm..."I start. Willie walk in wearing short short jean shorts and a rainbow crop top he had mini hoop earrings. And had painted black nails. "Hey babe," Willie said and tried kissing me. I dodge. "Is everything ok?" Willie asks. Willie looked at me and was scared. "Jules I'm Gay and this is my boyfriend Willie," I said. "Oh sorry is this a bad time," Willie said. "No babe," I said and looked at him. "Wait what your gay?" Julie said. I nod Willie hugs me.  "Im so Proud of you Alex for coming out," Julie said. "thanks I was so nervous I had this weird dream where u didn't accept me and well I was scared," I said. I realized how weird that sounded. "Willie kissed me on the lips. "I love you baby," He said. "Pizza!?" Reggie said. "On me," I SAID. WHICH WAS A SHOCK. 

Sorry so fucking short in not really in the mood for writing this oneshot but yea imma be making a tiktok Willex on where Alex and Willie are tiktokers idea from cryingfor25years would y'all read it ?

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