Incorrect Quotes

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While yall wait for a one-shot here u go 

Ray: What did you do at school today?

Carlos: Learned about dragons.

Tía Victoria: Your class learned about dragons?

Carlos: I learned about dragons, don't know what everyone else was doing.


Luke: Alex, tell Reggie he's an idiot but I still love him.

Alex: Tell him yourself.

Luke: We're in a fight.

Alex: You're sitting in his lap?


Luke, coming in with a watermelon: Julie texted me saying Reggie got hurt, so I brought a watermelon!

Julie: Why?

Luke: Reggie loves watermelons *hands him the watermelon*

Reggie, teary eyed on the couch: *cradles watermelon*


Reggie: How do girls put on skirts? Do you do it one leg at a time like pants, or do you jump right in?

Julie: One leg at a time.

Flynn: I jump right in.


Julie: Alex, Luke, you'll be on lighting.

Luke: Lighting?

Julie: Yes, you pronounced it perfectly.


Caleb: I'm not going to stand here and listen to you accuse me of things I clearly did!


Carrie: I thought I smelled failure.

Julie: Then you must be sniffing yourself! Good, right?

Flynn: For you.


Alex: Your existence is confusing.

Reggie: How so?

Alex: Your presence is annoying but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.


Mrs. Harrison: The first ever "champion" of a pie eating contest was an unnamed 6-year-old boy. In 1916, he managed to scoff a 10-inch pie in 15 seconds.

Luke: Legend

Reggie: Why didn't his parents name him?

Reggie: So my foot's totally stuck in there, right? I'm freaking out, the dog's having a seizure, and I still got half a pie left-


Alex: We're bros but I'd kiss you if you asked...

Willie: What?

Alex: What

Luke, not looking up from his song book: He said he'd kiss you if you asked

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