~~~~~|week later|~~~~~~
Jack and slender man were having a private conversation in slenders office . "jack there is a certain subject that we need to talk about " . jack remained silent as he already knew where this was going . "(your name ) has been in the same condition for about a week now and I think it's time for her to go". slender watched with his nonexistent eyes as the dark clown continued to be quiet and stared at the floor . slender sighed . "look I understand this is going to be hard but I doubt that medication won't even help her anymore .she's crazy jack and you should know this as you have been looking after her ". laughing jack looked at slender with his hurt and sad eyes . "please just give me one last chance , I'll try to sort this out ". "ok but if it doesn't work out then she must be ..........
Exterminated ".
There was a knock on the door as I sat in the bloody corner of my rotten room , humming a random melody . "(Your name) it's me jack ". I tilted my head to the side . "ohhhhhhh jackie-poo~ you came back !~ you have been gone for centuries!~". jack opened the door and walked towards me with a strange smile, it was almost .......... Fake . "nonsense my princess I was merely gone for a day ". I smiled widely back . "hey you know what we should do one day " I said stroking the imaginary hair against the wall . jack grabbed my hand away from the wall and held it with both of his hands like he was praying . "yes princess " . I giggled "we should get married " . his face flinched a bit as if he didn't know how to react . I averted my sight to watch more imaginary yellow bloody birds flying around the place . jacks hold on my hands tightened . "y-yeah I would like that ". he smiled back wearily and his hand reached out to my cheek so I could stare into his beautiful eyes. He then kissed my forehead gently . "what's wrong Jackie-poo? ". "Nothing princess ". he stood up and laid a red lollipop next to me . "I'll be back princess and we could talk marriage then ok ? ". I nodded rapidly . "ok but come back my love ~ ". he nodded and went out the door . I intensely stared at the lollipop .
"Yummy !~"
~~~~~|outside the door|~~~~~
"Hey jack are you crying ?!?"
"N-no Jeff I just got something in my eye"
"Oh ok but How's (your name) ?"
"She will be fine"
"I hope"

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !
Fanfiction(Your name) is a quiet and mysterious 5 year old . Her parents thought she was insane and so decided to take her to tests to confirm it . Sadly the tests were positive and so she was thrown into an insane asylum camp for kids and teens . She slowly...