I've turned (your age) now and I'm finally getting out of this place. I have formed a plan to escape now all I have to do is put it in motion . this will be risky but I have nothing better to do than let my life rot away . I think I've forgotten what the outside world looks like ........ I can't wait to see the sky again.
"Pant.......pant ........pant" I'm so close to being free , just a little more to go !
I'm going to die I need to hurry they are right behind me ! The alarm bells are ringing loudly , damaging my ears as I ran through the long white hallways .this is not good I need to get out of here !
It's so cold outside
It's so silent
I lay my head against a tree now sitting in a hunched position , hugging my knees as I admire the lush green trees around me .
I can't believe it
I'm free!
A smile crawls up my face and tears stream down my face. I can't believe this ! I'm free!
I stand up and began joyfully dance by jumping up in the air and waving my hands all over the place. "IM FREE!!!!!!" I scream out full of happiness and relief.
Now what ?
Crap I didn't think this though . where was I Suppose to go ? What do I do now ? I know nothing about the outside world !!?!?. Crap again I'm starting to get a panic attack . I need to get out of here and find somewhere to sleep and live in oh ! And maybe get a job! Shut up (your name) your going ahead of yourself !
I sigh . Look at me talking to myself damn it !I guess I'm still crazy ........
"Ouch how long have I've been walking in this forest ? My feet are beginning to hurt and I've yet to find somewhere to spend the nig- ............... what's that ? "
This weird zombie like thing is walking towards you in tattered clothes and a open bleeding skull. my body freezes at the sight of the creature but I soon realise it's one of my visions .
Forgot for a second that I could still 'see things'
The zombie disappears and I'm alone again........
In the woods
God damnit!
I begin to repetitively banging my head against a tree trunk hard , soon blood was pouring from my injured forehead making me groan at my idiotic ways .
"Why am I so unorganised " I asked myself out loud , licking a drop of blood that tickled down to my mouth.
*eternally sighs*

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !
Fanfiction(Your name) is a quiet and mysterious 5 year old . Her parents thought she was insane and so decided to take her to tests to confirm it . Sadly the tests were positive and so she was thrown into an insane asylum camp for kids and teens . She slowly...