Chapter 4

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"Laughing jack that's a nice name !" I squealed . Jack just smirked at the comment as usual . I curled up into a ball on my blood stained bed and began to hum lightly . Jack just stared at me as if he was mesmerised by me. I continued to hum my made up tune and ignored his intense thinking stares .

"Would you like some candy kiddo ?" Laughing jack finally spoke after that long awkward stare . I turned my head towards him and tilted it slightly with confusion written all over my face . "What's kandie ??!?" I responded . laughing jacks face turned into complete shock "you never had candy ! oh my no wonder you are insane !". He Quickly reached into his pocket with his claws and took out the most beautiful shapes in the world !they were all different colours and looked like so much fun to play with. "are these toys ?" you gasped as you stared at the majestic objects . "no they are a type of food " laughing jack chuckled and picked up one with a stick that had a pink circle at the top of it and handed it to me . I stared at it for a long time mostly because it was so shiny and glossy like something out of a dream ! "Go ahead just lick " jack said getting a bit inpatient . I slowly leaned forward and stuck my tongue then put the pink circle onto my tongue and moved it down to the tip of my tongue . when I put my tongue back into my mouth it tasted amazing ! like nothing I had ever tasted before ! I quickly bit into the circle yearning for more of the marvellous flavour but when my teeth bit it ,it didn't break ! or anything I was getting really confused so I just continued to lick instead . "well ? what do you think ?" the gruff voice asked. "how ........ what .......... where did you get this ?? it's the most amazing most delicious thing I've ever had ! " I responded in complete awe still licking the pink circle . jack chuckled and began showing and feeding me more 'candy'.

I feel sick ......... my tummy really hurts ........ I think it was the 'candy' . I turned to look at the clown who was still snacking on the candy . I was now on my blood stained bed with a sore stomach. " Jack ?" ."hmmm?" he responded ."my tummy hurts " I whined . jack let out a sigh . "I should have known that you would get sick ........ how about you just sleep it off ?". I flinched at the suggestion as I was still not used to sleeping but ever since the black and white clown came around it's seemed that my nightmares have been not interrupting my sleep . jack noticed my discomfort and slowly walked towards my bed, he leaned forward , pulled the bloodily sheet over me and tucked me in . he then began to hum my favourite lullaby 'pop goes the weasel ' . I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep but before I was truly asleep I felt something on my forehead and the humming stop but I was too tired to bother saying anything and finally fell asleep .

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !Where stories live. Discover now