I woke up again in bed but instead of feeling cold and pulling all the blankets towards me to add warmth , I was already being warmed by another person. Jack . I lightly smiled while blushing and shifted closer to his warm chest . I must of looked minuscule compared to Jack but that meant more to love . ' wow I sound cheesy '. I shut my eyes for a few minutes of sleep before I felt Jack move . "heheh morning princess~" he hazily said eyes still closed .I giggled . he had such a cute sleeping face if that made sense. it felt like I wasn't living in a house full of killers . " Morning jacky-poo~" I joked .
"Please don't call me that " he mumbled .
"(Your name) your going out to your first killing spree with laughing Jack and Jeffrey ". "eh?" . I was shocked with the news that slender just said . "HEY ! DONT CALL ME THAT !!" Screeched jeff in the crowd of hushed voices among the creepypastas saying things like 'I doubt she's ready ' or 'she's gonna get caught ' . that's when my confidence went down . jeff seemed to have noticed as he flung his arm over my shoulders and said " don't worry (your name) I'll be there to keep you safe !". "Get your hands off her". a dark aura surrounded jeff and I and we turned to see a pissed Jack but jeff of course tried to play it cool. "what it's not like she's your girlfriend or something " . the aura got worse and everyone shook in their seats . "Jack please make this a peaceful morning " slender pleaded . Jack pushed Jeff off his seat earning a ' hey ! ' from him and sat down on the said chair and shifted closer to me . I sweat dropped .
"Are you sure you can do this ?" ."Don't worry about me Jack ! I'll be fine !" I smiled at him as we both sat on the roof top watching the sun go down . "Well I guess we should get going " I said and stood up . "ok , but let's be careful ok ? Princess?".
"You guys took forever! Come on I'm itching to kill someone!" Jeff ran ahead of us into the small estate . I chuckled and followed him to the first house with worried Jack tagging along . jeff swiftly opened a kitchen window and snuck through it and allowed us to follow . they decided that they should show me how to kill instead of pushing me to which I fully agreed on . I felt like I needed to see before I act , if you know what I mean . jeff tiptoed up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms . I looked through a the door crack and examined his movements as he covered his victims mouth with his hand and whispered "go to sleep" before slashing repetitively on her stomach . when I saw the first sight of blood my knees grew weak and at that moment I knew ........ I had to kill . Jack gave me suggestive look as Jeff returned to the door lathered in thick slippy blood . "think you can do it ?" He growled . I immediately nodded and took out my weapon which was a small slick axe in shaped of a readers death syringe . I lightly pushed the door across the hall into the parents room .
I stood on the side with the wife admiring her features and Imagining what her said life was like. I shivered at the thought feeling guilt tickle down my stomach as i shakily raised my weapon readying myself for the blood and gore . I then suddenly stabbed her right in the heart before she could even make a sound . I watched the blood in awe as it oozed out of her cheats staining onto the White bed sheet completely killing her . The thing is I did not feel anything which troubled , where was the rush I was feeling earlier trying to ignore that fact I made my way around the other side of the bed where the husband was silently snoring oblivious on what's going on . This time I covered his mouth which woke him up slightly. he half opened his eyes before seeing my silhouette and beginning to panic . he struggled under my clutch but before he could do anything to harsh i angled the syringe , aiming the neck and I slit his throat . I felt nothing again , I began to panic slightly but hid it from the boys . I gazed over my now bloodied clothes , I just ended a life no two . a bit traumatised and frozen I slowly moved back to the opened door . Jack gave me another concern look but I returned nothing more but an emotionless face . I felt all my emotions drain from my body . I felt nothing . no guilt , sadness ,hate ,nothing . jeff sensed some tension and decided on visiting another house before we could go home .
I didn't know what to think about the killing or the blood . I felt no thrill or guilt or even desirer to kill . nothing ......... I felt absolutely nothing ! And this frustrated me ! What will jack think of me ? Some lowlife or small child that could not look after herself !!?! I'm lost ,confused even . I need to do this for him !
I need to kill more people
*hia !!! Soz for the late update ! Anyway this story is sadly going to end soon (hides under bed) Pls don't hurt meh ! Their will be around 4-5 chapters left sooo yeah . love Ya ~<3 *

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !
Fanfiction(Your name) is a quiet and mysterious 5 year old . Her parents thought she was insane and so decided to take her to tests to confirm it . Sadly the tests were positive and so she was thrown into an insane asylum camp for kids and teens . She slowly...