Today was the same as yesterday. I had a small meal that made me sick , trained with Jack until I was completely exhausted and fell asleep again. I trudged down the stairs into the kitchen for dinner .today I wore a really long sleeved , and short black and white striped dress with fishnet tights and the same boots from yesterday . slender quickly glanced at me before returning to cook . "what are we having today ? " I asked curious . slender silently chuckled ."well child we are having chicken with mash potatoes and broccoli ". "hmmmm sounds yummy !". "Good". I sat at the table waiting for the other creepypastas to come in . most of them glare at me but I ignored them and talked to jeff , Ben or Jack . I heard little foot steps run in and sit on a high chair . she was known as sally the youngest creepypasta and I heard she killed victims by 'playing' with them or so Jack told me . "hi !" Said the cheery girl . "hello " . "Your pretty " she blurted out . "why thank you so are you " . She giggled . " At sometime would you like to play with me ? ". "Certainly!". Sally and I continued to talk until the other creepypastas came in to eat. Everything kinda just went silent and all that could be heard was sounds from slenders cooking . I begged that Jack would come soon as I felt everyone's eyes judging me . not all of them where though , I made friends with Sally , eyeless Jack , jeff , ben and of course slender . I was more glared at by the girls of the group , Jane and clockwork I didn't understand why they didn't like me but I think that it's because I'm a girl ?. Now that everyone was settled into their seats , slender passed out the plates of different meals as some creepypastas liked other things then human food ( or just picky like masky and his cheese cake ) . Jack was still not here and it felt a bit lonely without him sitting next to me and having no one to talk to .
Dinner was done and I rushed up stairs to my room to avoid the judging eyes. I ended up on the roof again , lazily watching the stars . I thought the night sky was beautiful and only saw it in a tiny window at the asylum. after a few long minutes I heard someone again . it was Jack . I smiled at him . "hi Jack ! Where were you ? You missed dinner !". "I-I wasn't hungry " he mumbled . I gave him a questioning face before glancing back at the stars . ' I wonder why he's acting so weird?'. Jack quietly sat next to me but didn't look at the stars but at me . I noticed but was too mesmerised about the stars to wonder why . " You really love the stars don't you princess? " His croaky voice asked ." I think it's just beautiful and enchanting!" I exclaimed . he chuckled ."yeah ". silence surrounded us as I daydreamed at the sky and he continued to stare at me lovingly . "(y-your n-name )?" He stuttered . "do you care about me ?" . I gave him a shocked expression ." of course Jack !". "D-do you um " . I placed a hand on his shoulder and shifted closer . " Are you ok ? I'm concerned , you don't normally act like this ". Jack gained some pink colour on his pale cheeks because of how close you were. ' would a beautiful girl like (your name) ever love a hideous clown like him ? One way to find out '. he closed his eyes before shouting it out ( which is completely out of character). " I love you ! (Your name)! ". He kept his eyes locked shut scared . he the most deadliest and haunting and frightening creepypasta was 'scared'. this was probably a first for him , he's never loved anyone other than his childhood friend who was the first to receive him and well you know how that turned out . through his twisted mind that was full of slaughter and 'playing' he never thought he could love or hold any emotions other than anger , sadness and amusement until he met you . an innocent little malnourished girl that just wanted to be free . her visions engulfed her into not knowing which was real or not . the doctors tortured the poor girl and Jack had to watch it happen but never felt the rush he would get out of torture, instead he wanted to help you . after months of these feelings he had to leave and kill a different soul . this was harder than he thought and ended killing for a while but the other creepypastas did not know .
I laced my small fingers into his and kissed the real tip of his stripy nose . " J-Jack I love you too " you whispered. Jack froze and began breathing heavily the pink tint on his cheeks now grew and became redder as well as mine . his eyes slowly opened to show his white eyes with black pupils . I shyly smiled at him . "y-you actually love me ?". "Of course " . he then globbed me into a tight hug . we fell over and my back hit the roof hard and I gave off a "oof" sound . Jack was so happy that the huge stupid smile would not go off his face .
" Thank you princess!".

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !
Fanfiction(Your name) is a quiet and mysterious 5 year old . Her parents thought she was insane and so decided to take her to tests to confirm it . Sadly the tests were positive and so she was thrown into an insane asylum camp for kids and teens . She slowly...