Jack stopped in front of a white mansion that had three floors and maybe a basement as I noted a door on the ground at the side of the house. the paint was peeling off the house and multiple windows were cracked ,there were also over grown vines surrounding the walls. "home sweet home" chuckled Jack . he then leaned near my head and whispered " I think you are going to like it here". I gave him a weak smile already slowly forgiving him. he smiled back genuinely and walked up the stairs that lead to the front door .
He opened the door and was greeted by Jeff himself and another character with a green cap and suit and long blonde hair."oh? So you didn't kill her ? That's good but you must not forget to tell slendy !" Jeff chuckled . "huh ? This is the girl you were on about ? I must say Jack you have good eyes" the blonde said in some type of static voice. by now Jack had let go off me and I was standing slightly behind him because I felt a bit shy. Jack crackled " don't worry Jeff I'll tell slender and as for you Ben you better stay away from (your name)". Ben only laughed at this . " Wow Jack I never thought you would ever have a liking for someone!". Jack ignored his comment and lead me to a large double door at the end of the hall. "He-ey jack?" I stuttered . jack turned to face me ."yes?"."whats this slendy man like ?". jack smiled "you will find out but don't call him slendy , it's slender ok?"."why?"."lets just say I don't want you to die so early".
Jack knocked at the large doors and waited until we heard a voice boom "enter". Jack pushed the large doors and motioned me in. I gawked at the White slender man wearing a black suit and had black tentacles attached to his back . "Jack who is this girl?" He asked in a static voice like bens only deeper and more intimating . I smiled before saying " I'm (your name )! " In a cheerful voice . Jack chuckled at this before talking to the confused slender man. "this is (your name) a girl I used to play with a while ago , she used to live in a insane asylum but recently escaped so I thought she would be a great addition for the group !". Slender nodded , not questioning on why the child was not dead from jacks hand ."ok I'm sure we can figure something out " he said.
Jack and I left the office after a long and boring talk about my stay . Jack sniggered at my dull expression " would you like some candy kid ? " He asked. "I'm not a kid !" I retorted "but yes please" . Jack chuckled again before pulling out a lollipop . "here you go my lady~ " he sang handing me the green deliciousness .

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !
Fanfiction(Your name) is a quiet and mysterious 5 year old . Her parents thought she was insane and so decided to take her to tests to confirm it . Sadly the tests were positive and so she was thrown into an insane asylum camp for kids and teens . She slowly...