Jack has been acting strange .......... he hasn't talked or even hugged me all week , I think he is avoiding me .
What should I do ?
I was sitting on my bed fighting back the tears that attempted to escape my eyes . my visions were getting worse by the day and to top it off Jack has been ignoring me . I've never yearned for a persons touch and comfort before . it felt lonely, it felt sad .
I had another killing outing tonight and this time I was prepared to kill more people , to impress Jack . I can already feel the adrenaline pump through my veins . I know that with my visions , tonight is going to get even bloodier .
I silently walk up to Jack . I was going to confront him and ask him what is up with all this strange behaviour ."j-jack ?" I whimpered . Jack turned around with an expressionless look on his face . "hm ?" ."W-whats w-wrong w-why are you a-avoiding m-me? " I mumbled , feeling a bit afraid for his answer . I felt his long arms unexpectedly wrap around my figure and pull me close into his chest . "I'm sorry (your name) , I didn't want too". I felt that urge to cry again . "i-i don't - ". "we can't be together " . "w-what? ". I stared at his face with a completely shocked expression and his had a sad, grim look , like he was dreading this . " Do you not love me ?" i mumbled inaudible staring at the ground , feeling the tears prickle under my irises . " I sorry (your name ) I do love you but-". "BUT WHAT ?!?" I shouted tears fully pouring down my cheeks . "(your name) you don't understand! I don't want you to kill , I think you deserve a better life !" ." you don't know anything Jack !!!! Recently my visions have gotten worse that I can't hardly focus anymore ! Why would you do this ? I love you and I will never be happy without you ! " I screamed franticly crying and heaving heavy breaths . "(your name) I-". before i let him finish I smacked him Right across the face and stormed out of the living room .
I laid in bed hugging a pillow. I feel my sanity slowly tickle away as I watch as blood leaked from my bedroom walls while I hear desperate moans for help and soft toys covered in blood watching me cry with satisfaction written all over their smug faces. "n-no s-stop looking at me " i whimpered . everything was turning blurry , I couldn't think straight . the blurs of my vision turned into a plain black figure . he stood staring at me for what seemed like hours until he walked out the door . I had such a huge urge to follow but remembering what happened last time I followed , I reluctantly staying in my curled up position. never ending tears just limply fell down my face as if trying to cover all of it with its salty substance . 'I don't care anymore 'was the last thing I thought before letting darkness take over .
"Heheheheheh my my ~" I sang bittersweetly . "I'm having such a horrible day ~" . a huge smile was plastered onto my face." I wonder what We should play today Mr sparkles heheheh ~ " . Mr sparkles smiled at me ." whatever you want beautiful "he replied . "oh mr sparkles YOU ARE a TTRRRUUUEEEE friend !" I chuckled . " I kNow eXaCTly wHAt to plAy ~"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I took a deep inhale of air , smelling the sweet , sweet smell of my delicious BLOOD . "heheheh" I chuckled . "Mr spARklEs thIs IS FUN! HAHAHAHAHAHA! ". I laid my face onto the floor and smothered myself with the blood . "its sooooo glad to be BACK !" . I licked my lips ." I sUrE dId miSS YoU Mr sParKles ~" . I suddenly felt weak and couldn't sit up from my laying down position . "oh my ~ I guess I lost too much blood heheheh " . I gazed up at Mr sparkles . "go call Mr ambulance, I'm sure he will HELP ! heheheh!" . I kept on laughing as if it were a joke . Mr sparkles smiled again before disappearing into thin air . I sighed heavily and looked around me . I was surrounded by high brick walls that kept closing in as if they were going to squash me and one of them were of course lathered in blood . " hmmmmmmm~ Nononono this will certainly not do ! heheheh what an ugly house ! ". I suddenly saw some flashing images of my parents and frowned deeply . "Nono no I do not love you as I am NOT CRAZY !!!! I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY !I'M NOT CRAZY ! HOW DARE YOU CALL ME CrA- oh hi Mr ambulance are you here to help little old me ~? heheheheh". Mr ambulance smirked and lifted the needle .
"But of course "
"I'm not crazy doctor ....... they are"
"Yes I know .......(your name)"
"Oh jacky , jacky , jacky ~"

(Laughing jack x reader) let's have a blast !
Fanfiction(Your name) is a quiet and mysterious 5 year old . Her parents thought she was insane and so decided to take her to tests to confirm it . Sadly the tests were positive and so she was thrown into an insane asylum camp for kids and teens . She slowly...