Welcome to Mistral

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Hope you're all as excited as I am to be having another story! Wanna thank the great folk on my discord server for bringing up the idea of a Neo story. It took a bit of thinking, but I came up with a concept I like and want to see how far I can go with it.

This story is a big 'what if' scenario, with my first original character Celadon joining Roman Torchwick on his path of infamy. Big thanks once again to my other half for her help illustrating the protagonist, and the cover art, whilst I created his weapons. You can find her as @CelestiaCaliber on Twitter where she'll hopefully start posting more of her art.

These first few chapters will be fully original, set before the events of RWBY when Roman was just starting out

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These first few chapters will be fully original, set before the events of RWBY when Roman was just starting out. I'm hoping you all like this minor prequel arc before the true story starts, with it showing the relationship between the protagonist, Roman, and of course, our favorite ice cream girl. Hope you enjoy!


You: "I thought we were keeping a low profile?"

You leaned up against the wall, counting out Lien as Roman continued trying on clothes, admiring a new scarf he liked the look of.

Roman: "Mistral's the 'cultural capital of the world!' You don't expect me to go strutting around in my current rags, do you? What kind of reputation would that give me?"

You pocketed the Lien, turning back to the floor of the store you were in to look at the rest of the customers cowering on the ground as you continued your so-called robbery. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted someone reaching for their Scroll. In an instant, you sliced it in half, the gravity chip embedding itself in the floor as the customer yelled out in surprise, before returning back to your hand.

You: "And you think robbing a clothing store is gonna be a good start? We just got here"

Roman: "All the more reason to look our best. Sure you don't want anything?"

You: "I'll pass"

Roman: "Eh, suit yourself"

You rolled your eyes, hearing Roman snap his fingers with one hand as another held a coat. As soon as he did, a terrified custodian rushed over, shaking heavily as she spoke.

Custodian: "Y-Y-Yes sir?"

Roman: "Hello my dear, would you be kind enough and see if you have this in my size?"

The woman nodded her head rapidly, rushing to a nearby shelf to begin frantically searching for what Roman wanted. You kept your eyes trained on her, as well as the rest of the room, not wanting any surprises for your first 'job' out in Anima. Soon enough, she handed him the coat, a long white one that Roman seemed to have taken a liking for.

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