A Team Building Exercise

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Had a tough time getting this next part out. I ended up having a big break back home with my parents where I didn't get much writing done, and thanks to that, I ended up with a mild case of writer's block. Eventually though I was able to push through it and get this chapter done, and it seemed doing so meant this part ended up being a lot longer than the others. Hope you enjoy!


Junior: "I'm gonna say this once: get the hell outta my club"

The cacophony of weapons being primed came soon after Junior spoke, his nearby men raising their weapons. You eyed them up, Neo exchanging an irritated glance at you at how your 'plan' had been going.

You: "So...I get the feeling you're upset"

Junior: "Upset?! Your lil heist lost me half my men, and now, the police are grinding down on this place even harder!"

You: "Hey, you knew the risks. Besides, you got your money"

Junior: "Yeah...'cept I had the twins run the books. Funny story. Turns out, we had a decent lump of cash vanish from our registers that night...that just so happened to add up to the same amount you paid"

Crap. He'd figured it out.

You: "Heh...guess it's just one of those funny coincidences?"

Junior: "You take me for an idiot?!"

Neo's body language in response wasn't exactly helping the situation, almost as if she was saying 'your words, not mine'.

Junior didn't exactly seem happy with her response.

You: "Listen, we just need info. We have Lien this time. Promise"

Junior: "I ain't doing you punks any more favors! The only reason we're still having this conversation is the fact that one more shady thing tied to this place and the cops will have probable cause to shut this place down and walk me out in cuffs. But if you refuse to leave...I'm sure I can tell the cops it was self-defense"

Neo took a step forward, beginning to draw the blade from her parasol until you halted her advance. It was clear you wouldn't get anything out of Junior, and a fight would only draw unwanted attention. Without another word, you turned towards the exit, making your way outside but stopping once you realized your accomplice wasn't following.

You: "Neo. Let's go"

For a brief moment, she didn't react, but eventually, she got the idea and followed you out, Junior's goons making sure you left the premises before heading back inside.

You: "Well, that was a bust"

Neo passed by you, turning on her heel to face you as she crossed her arms with an unamused look on her face.

You: "Where else were we supposed to go? In case you hadn't notice, we're not exactly popular"

You knew she didn't have an answer. The 'team-building exercise' you had chosen wasn't exactly going swimmingly so far. You were trying to find information on Cinder, a person who clearly valued her secrecy, in a kingdom where you had very few contacts...

...not exactly the best of starts.

You: "Fine. Let me-...let me think for a second"

Your next destination had yet been decided, with you wracking your brain for ideas as you took a slow walk down the afternoon streets. You took out your Scroll, researching your options.

You: "The public libraries aren't likely to be handing out personal records to strangers, assuming they had any of her to begin with"

As you were browsing the resources the CCTS had to offer, an alert caught your eye, the police having issued a bulletin regarding Roman's current presence in Vale. You looked over the document, Neo peering over your shoulder as you did. Accompanying Roman's rather rugged mugshot of his bruised-up face, was also a blurred image of you and Neo from your successful convoy hijacking.

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