Role Reversals

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Finally back after a while. Just want to say that I'm really happy seeing people actively wanting more of this story, as I am really excited to continue it since I have a LOT planned already later down the line. I am having a few struggles here and there connecting up my own original events with those in the show, but I get there in the end. Hope you enjoy!


You: "Oh SHIIIIT!"

The ground was very quickly approaching you as you skyrocketed down towards it, thankful to be away from the Huntsmen chasing you, but now worrying how exactly you were going to get out of this. As you fell, you met up with Neo in the air, the pink and brown-haired lunatic casually waving to you as you both continued your free fall. She knew she'd be fine, her parasol working well to slow her descent as she opened it up.

But you?

You needed a landing strategy.


You cycled through your library of Dust, until you pulled out a gravity chip, your only ticket out of becoming a human pancake.

But in the stress of the situation, you fumbled with the device, losing your grip on it.

You: "No!"

You tried to grab it, but your differing speeds kept it out of your range.

The ground was getting closer.

Using your arms, you tried to slow your descent, hoping to meet up with the device.

But it wasn't enough.

All seem lost as you looked back up towards the sky, Neo still high up above you...

...but closing in fast.

She had closed her parasol, possibly realizing something had gone wrong with your plans and was rocketing down towards you as fast as she could. The distance between you closing, she grabbed the gravity chip on her way past, reaching you as you were mere seconds away from meeting your end.

Grabbing hold of her, you crushed the chip in your free hand tightly, using the gravity dust to slow your descent.

But you had been too late.

Your velocity was far too high for the Dust to slow down on time, and as you reached the ground, you slammed against the side of a nearby building...

...before hitting the earth with a hard thud.


... groaned out heavily as you slowly regained consciousness...

...part of you wishing you hadn't as you felt the heavy pain from your landing.

You: "...okay...ow..."

Your aura had been fully shattered from the impact. Without it, you probably wouldn't have even survived that fall to begin with. You coughed out a bit, struggling to do so, and suddenly realizing the weight that was pressing on you. Looking down, you could see Neo, having landed on top of you.

She wasn't moving.

You: " okay? Neo?"

A faint bit of movement as she squinted her eyes tightly closed, slowly opening them back up to look at you. The two of you were...well...very close, her heterochromatic eyes locking with yours.

You knew it was cliché'd...but that didn't stop the situation from making you red...

You: "...y-you're uh...kinda...on top of me..."

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