New Talent

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Glad to see people enjoyed the last chapter as the climax of one of my first arcs of this story. With that part out of the way, I wanted to make a chapter with a bit more of a 'down time' vibe to it, as well as creating my own rendition of how Roman and Neo's partnership together came to be, and show the relationship this main character and our ice cream girl are going to start out with. Fingers crossed you all like the calmer vibe of this chapter. Hope you enjoy!


Gang Member: "Are you kidding me?!"

The goon at the table slapped his cards down on the table angrily as soon as he saw yours, realising that once again he had lost another hand. You grinned, dragging the Lien cards piled in the middle to your side of the table.

Gang Member: "Ha! Glad I folded early"

You: "I did say it was a bad idea inviting me to this"

Gang Member: "Okay you ain't allowed to deal anymore!"

The upset henchman handed the deck to another player, urging them to shuffle them. You leaned back in your chair, hiding your strings as they attached themselves to the man shuffling. With your semblance, you stacked the deck in your favor once again, none of the other players knowing your actions. You continued to relax at the table in your new hideout, having taken over the former base of operations for the gang you had been fighting before. A few weeks had passed, and thanks to you and Roman's leadership, your influence had quickly increased in Mistral, as did the Lien you were earning. Before the next hand started, you felt a tap on your shoulder, one of the higher-ranking members of your group needing your attention.

Gang Lieutenant: "Heya boss. The group in charge of hijacking that convoy out in the wilds is back. I assume you wanna see the haul, sir?"

You: "Yeah, thanks"

You stood up to leave, the players at the game all groaning out in annoyance at the fact they wouldn't have the chance to earn their Lien back. You weren't in the habit of making unwanted enemies, tossing them all a few Lien cards from your haul as compensation for leaving early. Seemingly satisfied, you walked with the Lieutenant for a bit, heading outside to see a few carts worth of crates being hauled in. You spotted the group you had assigned for the job nearby, beaten and bruised, but alive. You quickly heading over to chat.

You: "I take it things went well?"

Gang Member: "We lost one of our guys to some Faunus muscle they hired, but we took care of it"

You patted them on the back, giving them an approving smile.

You: "You did well on this. I'll make sure you get your pay as soon as we sell this stuff off. Go get some rest, you all deserve it"

They all nodded, happy to hear your approval of their successful job, as well as the promise of their pay. As they turned to leave, you turned back to the Lieutenant.

You: "Make sure Onyx gets his Lien for tipping us off about that convoy, and you compensate the family of the guy who died"

Gang Lieutenant: "Understood"

The lieutenant gave you a nod, ready to go on his way before you stopped him once more to speak.

You: "And get Roman down here. He probably knows someone we can sell all this Dust to"

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