Skipping Town

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I know I only just posted the last chapter recently, but I'm so excited to get to the next part that I couldn't help but write this part immediately. With this chapter, we will be finally going into the territory of the first volume of RWBY. I hope you all have enjoyed this backstory arc I tried to create, and look forward to what is to come. Hope you enjoy!


Guild Lieutenant: "Recently, a coup was staged right here in Mistral...against one of our ranks..."

You: "Shit..."

You spoke in a hushed tone, backing away from the door to make sure none of the guild would spot you as the lieutenant continued to speak.

Guild Lieutenant: "The individual that failed us has been dealt with...however, the fact that those responsible for her failure still live is a mistake our guild will not allow. As such, I will offer you all a choice. You may resist, and be killed in the service of protecting these con artists, or you may aid in their execution, and be rewarded in Lien, and a place in our family"

You: "I'm not planning to wait and find out which side they choose..."

You turned back to Neo, both of you still in Roman's office. You knew that the loyalty your gang coveted was fickle, and the promise of money would quickly sway your members downstairs. You were out of time and needed a way out of this.

You: "Think you can keep us covered in that semblance of yours long enough to get to the exit?"

Neo nodded, reassuring you slightly. But then...she smiled...a devilish smile that made you worry much more than before.

You: "What?"

With the grin on her face, she disappeared. Your eyes widened as you began frantically looking around for her.

You: "Neo?!"

No response. That smile on her face appeared as soon as she realized your situation, knowing she could get out just fine...and leave you behind...

You: "Neo this isn't funny anymore!"

You continued to yell in a hushed tone, panicking as you began to hear the sounds of dozens of footsteps heading towards your position.

You: "Fine! I'm sorry for calling you a freak, or a maniac, or whatever!"

Still nothing, they were practically at the door at this stage. It would only be a few seconds now until they would burst in and gun you down. You positioned yourself behind the table, ready to kick it over to use as cover if necessary.

You: "Neo!"

The door was blown off its hinges, dozens of armed guild members quickly flooding in. You readied yourself to fight...

...but their attacks never came...

Just then, you felt a hand grab your shoulder, turning to see Neo with the biggest grin in all of Remnant. You were about to yell at her for what she did, but she quickly stopped you, placing a finger on your lips and looking at you seriously. It seemed that for her power to work, you needed to keep silent. For the time being, you obliged, wanting to live more than you wanted to yell at the pink-haired maniac. Together, you navigated through the crowd of guild members, leaving them to search the entire office for you as you crept your way out.

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