Rose-petaled Robberies

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So kind of a weird fact about me, but since this chapter includes the scene I thought I might share it. When I first watched episode 1 of RWBY, I still wasn't sure if I'd stick with the show, but one of the scenes that I really enjoyed was when Roman's clothes got shaken up by the wind of the airship during his escape. I hadn't had much experience with 3D animated shows before RWBY, but the way it looked seemed really cool to me personally. Now I'm attending university, using the same software used to create the newest volume of RWBY. I hope one day I can maybe be good enough at animating to get somewhere close to the style RWBY has. Anyways, with that personal stuff said, here is the chapter. Hope you enjoy!


Black Market Dealer: "Sheesh, you weren't kidding about this thing being busted up"

The trader continued to look over the Mistral airship you had used during your escape to Vale, still trying to appraise it fully. Despite having gotten the manpower you needed for your heist, your resources still weren't exactly plentiful, and thus, you hoped to sell off the one thing you had left to trade.

Roman: "Personally I think the cuts and scrapes add character. A little tune-up and she'll be good as new"

Black Market Dealer: "A little? I might as well just sell this thing off for scrap metal!"

You: "We heard from Emerald that you were reliable when it came to pawning stuff off, so give us a good deal on this and we'll be sure to come to you again if we ever want to sell anything else"

The dealer pondered your proposal for a moment, Roman seemingly impressed by your negotiation skill this time around.

Black Market Dealer: "Emerald has been good for business so far...

After a brief moment of thinking, he finally spoke.

Black Market Dealer: "Even with that said, I'm unwilling to part with much Lien for this hunk of junk...but perhaps a trade? I recently came into possession of a Bullhead"

He handed you his Scroll, pictures of the aircraft visible on it as you swiped through the shots.

You: "You...want to give us an Atlesian airship...for this?"

You looked back at the busted-up Mistral craft, perplexed by this man's business sense. Roman's cane quickly came down on your foot, your partner wanting to shut you up fast as he seemed quickly interested in the incredible deal.

Black Market Dealer: "Easy there bozos, I'm not THAT stupid. Craft itself could use some work, and the main gun will cost you extra. Besides...moving Atlas gear is too rich for my blood. Mistral airships are a lot easier to sell off without attracting attention"

Roman: "I think that's a trade we'd be interested in making. Chips? Why don't you head back while I go see this thing and finish up here?"

You: "Uh...why?"

Roman turned away from the dealer, lowering his voice as he spoke to you.

Roman: "One of us has to make sure Neo hasn't gotten too bored to leave the hideout"

You: "So you want me to watch her...again"

Roman: "It's not like I'll be long"

You crossed your arms. Roman had called upon you too often to deal with his pet psychopath, and you were through with it.

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