Change in Management

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Had a small break back home to relax, but now I'm back, and I'm ready to put an end the first arc of my prologue chapters. I'm glad you all have been liking this original story I've been trying to create, as I have been having a blast writing it out. Also, kinda random thing, but I'm thinking of dropping the whole 'your POV' at the start of these chapters. What do you think? Anyways, hope you enjoy!


Two days.

You hadn't heard a thing for two whole days, groaning in annoyance once more as you received nothing from Roman's earpiece in response.

You: "If you got killed, I'm gonna be really pissed"

Nothing. You suddenly heard a sound from the streets below, hiding up on the rooftop you were perched at. You had been doing your best to keep a low profile, and to follow the gang activity in the lower levels, but it was becoming harder and harder. You were running out of food, Lien, and ideas. Night had set in, and it seemed you'd be spending it sleeping on the rooftops again. You sighed out, worried about the situation you were in, that Roman was in...

You: "Where are you..."

Roman: "God you're loud. Who thought this earpiece thing was a good idea?"

You jumped up from your relaxed position, finally hearing Roman's voice in your ear after so long.

You: "You're alive!"

Roman: "Of course. What? You think I'd let some two-bit drug pushers off me?"

You: "As modest as ever I see"

Roman: "Heh, you know me so well. Listen, as usual, we aren't exactly lush on time, but there are some things you need to know"

You: "Okay, fill me in"

You leaned back against the ceramic tiles of the rooftop, listening intently into your earpiece as Roman began talking.

Roman: "It looks like bribes aren't enough these days. Huntsmen are already starting to get involved in this little war of theirs, and neither side wants that. It took a lot of convincing from yours truly, but Ivory and these guys have agreed to a sit down to figure out this whole mess. They'll be transporting me to her place tomorrow as leverage. While they're there, they'll discuss their terms for the end to this whole thing"

You: "Meaning they'll all be in one place..."

Roman: "Bingo. With all the fighting, both sides have barely any bodies to spare. While they're all distracted arguing about who gets what, you'll sneak in and let partner out"

You: "That's if she doesn't bite my hand off first..."

Roman: "Once she's out, you find a way to spring me, and we take down the rest of these punks together. Problem solved"

You: " want to take down the Hana guild, and one of the biggest drug cartels in the same time?"

You were in mild shock, but to be honest, it did sound exactly like something Roman would do.

Roman: "You can't tell me it doesn't have a certain elegance to it. Besides, once they're gone, someone will have to fill their spot down here, and I can't think of anyone better than two respectable businessmen such as ourselves"

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