Seeing Double

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Hey all! I know I took a small break from this story to do more of the Ruby parts, but I am still 100% determined to keep this story alive since I really do enjoy writing it. Beyond my switching to other books, it also took some time to figure out where I wanted to go next with this, since the lack of Neo's presence in volume 1 gives me a lot to work with in terms of original ideas. Hope you enjoy!


Roman: "Welp, this is the address"

You looked upon the dilapidated building in front of you, Roman closing his Scroll now that the three of you had reached your destination.

You: "Cinder actually say anything about these 'allies' of hers?"

Roman shot you a look, honestly surprised you had asked a question with such an obvious answer. Of course she hadn't told him.

Roman: "Junior's guys may have been garbage value for Lien, but at least we didn't have to pick them up out from a dump like this"

You: "Maybe Neo could make sure this is legit? I saw a hole in the upper floor windows she could get through"

Roman: "Good thinking. Can't exactly be sure this isn't just another setup for Cinder to kill-"

Your discussion was halted as you heard the sound of three hard bangs, you and Roman turning towards the sound to see Neo casually knocking on the metallic door into the building.

You: "Are you out of your-"

A second later, an eyeslot slid open on the door, the shadowy figure behind it taking one look at Neo before shutting it again. A moment later, you began to hear the sound of a few dozen locks opening up, the metal door swinging open.

Doorman: "You're expected"

You and Roman exchanged a look, but cautiously moved towards the door. Neo on the other hand strutted in confidently, as if she practically owned the place.

Roman: "Easy there. You're making me look bad"

Neo rolled her eyes with a smile as the two began descending a flight of stairs. You looked back at the doorman you had passed as you entered. His body was still heavily covered by shadow, but you could barely make out...a tail? Were these Faunus? As you continued down the stairs, your suspicions were proven correct...

...the clawed logo of the White Fang being the first thing to come to view.

Despite the size of the building above, the operation below it was quite substantial, dozens of masked Faunus going about their business...until you walked in. As soon as they saw your presence as humans, they stopped in their tracks, all of them staring at you silently as you continued inside. You weren't exactly thrilled to be in the den of a bunch of anti-human terrorists, but you knew that Roman was probably even more upset. You kept your eye on him, a serious look on his face as a White Fang member blocked your path with his hand before turning to speak with someone. The person in question had a towering presence far different from the other Faunus in the room, mulling over plans on a nearby table...

...a large chainsaw next to him.

Roman: "I take it, you're the one in charge?"

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