The plan pt.2

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Ryan: What? Where did you getting a thought like that?

Rylan: One sentence. Everyone I meet is always the same as the rest.

Ryan: Look Rylan, I know you have probably been through a lot and met a lot of mean people...but I promise you none of us are like that.

Rylan: maybe your right...

Henry: Lets go see what mo- I mean Rose and Mr.White is up to.

Rylan: 2 questions.

Henry: Yeah?

Rylan: First did you call Rose mom?

Henry: What? Nooo...?

Rylan: Um ok then..Second question what is Mr.White doing here???

Harry: Umm. Well he wanted to see if you where feeling better *he'd nervously laugh*

Rylan:Ok then.....😐

Ryan: Ok lets go see them then.

*Rylan had trouble getting out of bed*

Harry: Are you ok there? Do you need help?

Rylan: Yes I'm Fine I'm just a bit sore.

Harry: Ok then we'll help you.

Rylan: Ok but I'm in my pajamas😅

Henry: ehh it's fine.

Rylan: ok then
*They helped her out of bed by literally picking her up*
Ryan: Uhh Rylan I have a question.

Rylan: Yeah

Ryan: Who in their right mind wears a spaghetti strap shirt and shorts to bed in the middle of Winter!?

Rylan: What it's comfy😢

Ryan: 🤦🏻‍♂️Lets get going..
* He basically just carried her to the family room*
Rylan: you don't have to carry me you know☹️.

Ryan: You walk to slow.

Rylan: *iconic gasp* How dare you?😤


*They finally made it to the living room with Rylan hanging over Ryan's shoulder*

Rose: umm..
"Mr.White": uhh..
*They tried to hold in their laughter*

Rose: *She started to laugh so hard her eyes started to tear up same thing happened to "Mr.White"*

Rylan: what are you guys laughing at??

Rose: You know what lets just ignore that like it never happened.

"Mr.White": *Still laughing* Y- Yeah I agree

Rylan: *embarrassed*I should've known.
*Please note she does not have a crush on her brothers and her brothers do not have a crush on her, they just like embarrassing her Brotherly "love"am I right?
Ok back to the story.*

A few minutes later...

Ryan: We are doing the project at my house and your mother is coming with.

Rylan: Umm...ok then..let me change first.

Henry: No time for that.

Rylan: huh?!

*Ryan gave her his jacket which was really big on her (it went down to her knees)*

Rylan: Uh..Thank you.

Ryan: Yep * he picked her up and carried her outside*

Rylan: what are you doing?

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