The assignment

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Snow White: Now that everyone has had time to get to know your teammates time for the assignment. You have to collect five stamps, they can be located anywhere so keep an eye out for them. The first team to find all of them gets the best score. Ready...Set....Begin!

Rylan: Where should we look first?

Joyce: Hmm.. How about le frog pond?

Rylan: le-

Axel: I say we start at rapunzel tower.

Trey: I agree with axel.

Rylan: Guys come on we need to agree on something.

Trey: No one asked you CINDER SNOW.

Rylan: Fine then go by your selves, I
Couldn't care less.

Trey: Fine!

Joyce: Lets go Rylan

The girls left to go to the pond. When they got there...

Joyce: Where should we start?

Rylan: Maybe it's in the pond.

Joyce: You should go get it you thought of the idea.
Rylan remembered what happens when she touches water..

Rylan: Maybe you should get it, it's your palace. Besides I'm not a very good swimmer *nervous giggle*

Joyce:  You ok?

Rylan: Yep. I didn't want to say anything in front of the boys but, I grow a tail when I'm wet.

Joyce:  Oh makes sense, your secret is safe with me.

Rylan: Thank you 😁

But someone heard them talking..

???: So she grows a tail when wet? This could be helpful....

Joyce: Rylan did you hear something?

Rylan: I think so..

Joyce: eh.. probably nothing.

Ryan: your probably right.

Joyce turned into a frog and got the stamp.

Joyce: Rylan I got it!

Rylan: Good job😄, where do you think the next one is?

Joyce: Maybe in Cinderella ballroom. It is where most of your grandmas story takes place.

Rylan: Your right,  plus it doesn't hurt to try.

Joyce: great lets go!

         With the boys
Axel: I found it let me grab it real quick.

Trey: I grabbed the stamp I seen earlier while you where looking for yours.

Axel: where do you think the last one is?

Trey: Most likely Cinderella ballroom

Axel: ok lets go

Rylan, Joyce, Axel, and Trey all bumped into each other...

Trey: Watch it!

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