sailing lessons

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every summer i'd be out on the water
i'd sit on starboard side
instructor on port

the wind would blow onto my face
pole swinging side to side

i'd move the sailboat towards the buoys
put my hand on the colorful plastic
and bob it up and down

life vests and sunglasses
could define that summer
the hot sun burns my face
especially on the days i forgot sunblock

as we moved back into the harbor
we felt the wake of fishing boats which passed
we waved at them
and they waved back
the strangers on the other boats

those summer days were the best
feeling the breeze of the ocean
the warm sun all over
putting my hand into the sea water
and i could be at peace

the wind would blow on my face
as the boat hits the dock
moss-filled cushions let the boat stay undamaged

there was a chest on the dock
it was wooden with hand prints painted onto it
inside layed life vests, sunblock, and lost items
sometimes i'd look inside there
to see new items others have lost
and sometimes keep for myself

the instructor and i got back to the main land
i say goodbye and walk off to my car
i look out at the open sea
and take a deep breath
and feel the ocean within me.

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