Part 24

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Taehyung's POV

It was Jennie .

I went outside maybe because don't want Jisoo to hear me.. I picked up the call...

Jennie: V?? Where are you? You don't even call me nor pick up my phone?? Did you already forgot you have a girlfriend?? Did you already forgot about me??

I heard her..
Yeah Jennie , I already forgot about you.. About my goal.. About the reason I came here...

Jennie: V?? Are you there?
Taehyung: Yeah .
Jennie: I miss you V . And guess what.. I am in Korea!!
Taehyung: What??
Jennie: you aren't happy??
Taehyung: Y..yeah

I startled after hearing her . Now things going to be more difficult for me . I didn't said the truth to Jisoo not to Jennie..

Jennie: And Taehyung why you are in Paris??
Taehyung: Actually..

She cut my words and said
Jennie: Okay forget it.. Do you even know Namjoon oppa getting married?? And too in Korea . That's why me and Lisa came yesterday. But I got to know you are in Paris..
Jungkook told me you had to go for some business.. But please finish your work and come soon.. Okay??

I just hmmed her and only listen
Jennie: Okay V I gotta go . Bye.. Love you.
Taehyung: Bye

I cut the call . I was thinking now how I will handle this situation . Of course I'll have tell the truth to both Jisoo and Jennie but how??
I was thinking and at that moment I felt hands around my waist. It was Jisoo..

Jisoo's POV

Taehyung got a call and went out. I was a little sad . I got up and went to the washroom to wear my clothes..

After sometimes I came out and saw Taehyung was still not here. I went out and saw he already cut the call and was thinking something . I went to him and back hugged. I closed my eyes to feel the warmness but what he did next it made me flinched hard..

He loosened my grip and pushed me in jerk but after that what he said it was unbearable..

Taehyung: Can't you see I'm not interested in you?? Why you always push yourself to me?? Don't you see I don't have any feelings towards you?? Only because of you I had to marry though I don't even like you.. Only because of you my life is messed..

Taehyung's POV

I saw her eyes filled with tears. I know I was too harsh but I can't have any feelings for her . I will have to maintain the line between us which I was about to cross..

I really wanted to hold her in my embrace. I really wanted to say that I didn't mean any of this but I can't do that . I saw she already burst in tears. I was about to hold her but before that she took her jacket and went out while wiping her tears..

I didn't knew what to do now?? Should I follow her or not?? She is really hurt only because of me.. I think I should go after her if she is fine or not..

I was following her and watching how she is crying as hell.. I really wanted to comfort her but I can't do that..

It's been half an hour and I don't think she has any intention to return.. she sat on a bench and I was just staring at her . She is still sad and why she won't be.

It's getting late. I was about to go to ask her to return but before that I saw someone. He called her... I was moving to them as I was jisoo got scared but then I froze on my spot after I saw them hugging??

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