Part 1

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Author's POV
"What is this? I just took my car 3days ago and today it's already broken. If this time you can't repair my car then I'll make sure your company is closed." A middle aged man was creating a scene infront of a car repairing shop.  Lots of people gathered around the shop.

Boss : No No sir please don't do this . This time my No.1 Engineer will repair your car . plz last chance sir please.
Customer: okk
Boss : Taehyung come here
Taehyung: yeah?
Boss : please repair this car urgently
Taehyung: okk let me check

After sometimes
Taehyung: sorry sir your car can't be repair all parts are broken. You'll have to replace this car and call the company, they will replace it.
Customer: what if you are wrong?
Taehyung: In car's matter I can never be wrong
Taehyung left

Taehyung's POV
At night I came home and already saw someone in my house watching TV. Of course who else he could be except Jungkook
Taehyung: Yahh! When did you came?
Jungkook: 1hour ago
Taehyung: And how did you enter?
Jungkook: you forget bro ? I have spare key (while watching TV)
Taehyung: yeah whatever.
Jungkook: V , are you going for your interview tomorrow??
Taehyung : yeah and I desperately want this job and don't wanna repair cars anymore. I wanna design my own car and I want most of the people in USA to buy cars design by me . I don't know when my dreams will come true
Jungkook: don't worry bro one day you'll definitely achieve your goals
Taehyung: hmm
Jungkook : Ohh there was a call for you from your home I said you are not home
Taehyung: ohkk I'll check later

I got up from my couch and went to my room maybe to avoid jungkook or his question. I heard him saying "All the best for tomorrow" but I didn't bother to answer him and go for sleep

Next morning
Taehyung POV
I was very excited and nervous at a same time. It is a very big company and I don't now if they would approve me or not . I heard a guy calling me so I got up and went inside
Taehyung: good morning
Man1: good morning, please seat
Taehyung: thanks sir
Man2 : well gentlemen what is your name?
Taehyung: kim Taehyung and here is the designs and documents

I was quite nervous at that time but I tried to look confident . They were having a conversation while looking at my designs but I don't know what they were discussing . And after sometimes one of the man looked at me and said
Man1: Taehyung your designs are amazing and we really liked your work
Taehyung: Thank you sir
Man2 : But you don't have any experience and not any recommendation
Man1 : Look Taehyung this is a very big company and we can't hire a man with no experience
Taehyung: But sir at least give me a chance
Man2 : we are really sorry gentlemen
Taehyung: it's okk sir thanks

I was really disappointed . This job was really important for me but I can't help.
After interview I went to my work place and there I found jungkook was talking with my boss
Jungkook: Hey bro. How was your Interview?
Taehyung: As always
Boss : You didn't get the job??
Taehyung: Noo . Thay said I have no experience so
Jungkook : Its okk V . Next time you will get a job in a company better than this
Boss: yaeh . Btw V I have heard that thare is an African tample . I think you should visit the temple who knows If you get lucky and get a chance
Taehyung: No sir I don't believe in all this
Jungkook : V , I also don't believe in all this but you should at least go and give a chance. I mean there's no harm right

I don't believe in all this but after I hear jungkook I thought at least I can give a chance
So next day me and jungkook went to that tample . In this tample there I saw a big bawl with alot of chits and papers.
Taehyung: jungkook , What is all of this ?
Jungkook: V , look there is a bawl and lot of chits . You'll have to pick a chit with eyes closed and in that chit there will be written your future
Taehyung: what rubbish . I'm not doing this.
Jungkook: V at least give it a try plz go and I am going there , look lots of girls are dancing.
Taehyung: yahh!

After that jungkook didn't listen to me and went to another direction and I went there to pick a chit . I closed my eyes and was about to pick but I felt someone else's hand . I looked and saw a girl next to me . She also holding the same chit that I was holding .

Hey guys
I finished my 1st chapter . It was a bit short. But next time I will try to write some more so plz support me and plz ignore my mistakes. Love ya❤️❤️

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