Part 6

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Taehyung's POV
Few days passed and I was busy with my works and designing cars. Jennie was also with me . She is my personal secretary . And like this time passed almost 3 months and tomorrow will be the day for testing my cars

Next morning
I was nerves but Jennie hold my hand
Jennie: Don't worry
I smiled and then it was time

After sometimes
Everything was fine . The speed, mileage and designs everything was perfect . I was very happy
Jennie: congratulations V
I was so happy that I hugged Jennie and didn't even realise . Jennie hugged me back .
But then I realise and we got separate
Taehyung: I am sorry
Jennie: its okk and again congratulations

Jennie's POV
His car got tested and everything was perfect. I was happy for him and I said
Jennie: congratulations V
He didn't reply but he just hugged me I was so shocked but really happy. I hugged back but then he separated and said
Taehyung: I am sorry
Jennie: its okk and again congratulations
Jennie: So let's celebrate
Taehyung: sure you come to my place and jungkook and namjoon will be there too I hope its ok for you
Jennie: yeah of course
Taehyung: Ahh.. Jennie you can bring lisa too I am thinking to invite Jihyo too
Jennie: ohkk

Taehyung's POV
At Evening
Me and jungkook were preparing for snacks and drinks
Taehyung: yahh jungkook hurry up they will be here at any time
Jungkook: Yeah yeah , after all jennie is coming
Taehyung: shut up jungkook
Jungkook: what?? Man she is damn interested in you . Everyone can tell that she likes you an you don't even look at her
Taehyung: I don't like her that way jungkook
Jungkook: why man . She is beautiful , smart and good and she also helped you to fulfill your dream
Taehyung : yeah and I am thankful for that but I can't love her
Jungkook : but..
At that time someone knocked the door
Taehyung: I'll check

Namjoon, Jihyo, Jennie and lisa came
I greeted them
Taehyung: You must be lisa right??
Lisa: yeah and you're V?
Taehyung : yeah nice to meet you
Lisa : same here
Jungkook came there
Jungkook: and I am jungkook
Lisa : Hi
Jungkook: hey
Taehyung: come inside

The party started and jungkook came with a bottle
Jungkook: lets play game
Lisa : wow it will be fun
Jihyo: so what game we gonna play??
Jungkook: truth or dare
Jennie: okk so lets start

I sat between jungkook and namjoon and the game started
Liza : I will do first
Lisa spin the bottle and it stopped on namjoon
Jungkook: joonie truth or dare??
Namjoon: truth
Jungkook: okk so tell us did you kissed any girl except jihyo
Namjoon: what!??
Jihyo: hey did you??
Namjoon : ahh.. I..acc..actually at school
Jihyo: what?? And you didn't even tell me
Namjoon: I was on school
Jihyo: yeah whatever
Jennie: okk now I'll spin

Lisa: jungkook your truth or dare?
Jungkook: dare
Taehyung: message your ex and tell her that you still love her and you can't tell her it was a dare
Jungkook: No man.. you know her she is a bore
Taehyung: do it jungkook
Jungkook: ohkk
Jihyo: now I'll spin

Jennie: ouu tell me truth or dare
Lisa: dare
Jungkook: ohkk then if you have a boyfriend , call him and tell you are breaking up with him and you can't say before 24hours it was a dare
Lisa : what?!!
Jungkook: yeah do it
Lisa: oukk
Jungkook: now I'll spin

Lisa: hey jennie
Jungkook: so tell me truth or dare??
Jennie: ahh truth
Jungkook: then tell me do you like V??

At that moment I really wanted to kill jungkook
I looked at jennie she was already looking at me . I can say her answer by just looking at her I just don't want her to answer this question
Jennie: I..
At this time I got a call from my office
Taehyung: I have to answer this call
Jungkook: ohkk

In call
Taehyung: hello
From other side: Hello Taehyung . I am the chairman of the company
Taehyung: good evening sir
Chairman: good evening. I have called to inform you that your car has been finalised and tomorrow is the opening
Taehyung: woh.. thank you sir . I can't believe..thank you again
Call ended

Jennie came there
Jennie: Hey V..Whats happening??
Taehyung: I got a call from office..Guess whatmy car has been finalised and tomorrow is the opening
Jennie: wow thats great
Taehyung: yeah..tomorrow is a very big day for me..Hey you coming tomorrow right
Jennie: yeah..And have a surprise for you(which Taehyung didn't hear)
Taehyung: Lets go there. Everyone is waiting for us
Jennie: yeah

We went back and I told them about tomorrow's opening.
We have our dinner and everyone left

Now I was eagerly awaiting for tomorrow...

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