Part 31

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Rose: Where is she aunty??
Mrs Kim: She is in her room dear..
Rose: Why she is not visiting us?? Not even going to her office.. It's been 2days.

Mrs Kim: I know dear. I tried to talk to her even Jungkook is also with her but.. I think you should go and ask her.
Rose: Ok aunty.. Ahh.. Where is Taehyung aunty??
Mrs Kim: After that day he is not staying here. And I don't know where he is staying..
Rose: Ok aunty. I will go to Jisoo..


Rose went to Jisoo's room and saw Jisoo and Jungkook were set on bed while Jungkook hugging Jisoo.. Rose cleared he throat to bring their attention..

Rose: Hi Jungkook, Hi Jisoo
She greeted them in her teasing tone..
Rose: I thought Jisoo wants someone to talk but Jungkook is already here huh??
Jungkook got up from bed while scratching the back of his neck in nervousness.,

Jungkook: You both talk.. I'll be get going now..
Rose: Are you sure you want to leave Jisoo and go??
Jungkook: Ahh?? B..bye
Jungkook immediately ran out while rose were laughing at his action..

Jisoo: Why are you teasing him?? And there is nothing between us..
Rose: I know.. But Jungkook has a feeling for you.. are you aware of that??
Jisoo: Hmm. but you also know that I can't return his feelings back..
Rose got annoyed and said in one breath

Rose: I know you loved Taehyung, Jisoo but he betrayed you.. Please forget him and move on.. There are a lot of people who wants to be with you do you know that?? But you are stuck with that Taehyung.. He don't even care for you.. Do you even know he is not home after that day he is living with Jennie now..

She looked at Jisoo and realised what she was saying
Jisoo: He is living with Jennie??
Jisoo asked while staring at her hands looking down..
Rose: I didn't mean to say that Jisoo.. I..ahh
Rose got up in frustration and again sat while calm herself down

Rose: You hqve to move on Jisoo.. Please not for us but for yourself.. You always thought about others. Now become selfish and only think about your happiness..
Jisoo: Hmm
Jisoo looked at rose and give her a satisfying smile and said

Jisoo: Okay. I will forget everything and move on..
Rose hugged her in happiness

Rose: By the way did you had any conversation with Jin oppa??
Jisoo: No actually.. He called me and asked to meet but I refused..
Rose: I didn't knew he has feelings for you..
Jisoo: Even I don't know..

Rose: Then whom would you choose?? Jin oppa and Jungkook?? Both likes you..
Jisoo: What do you mean by choose?? They are not any clothes that I will choose..
Rose: They loves you Jisoo
Jisoo: But I loved only one person. I can't have feelings for someone else..
Rose: You already said you will move on.
Jisoo: That doesn't mean I will go into another relationship..

Rose: Ugh.. Okay as long you are happy I'm with you.. By the way are you going to Namjoon oppa's farm house??
Jisoo: Yeah..
Rose: You know everyone will be there and by everyone I mean Taehyung too.
Jisoo: I know that but because of my and Taehyung's incident I can't ruin Namjoon oppa's vacation right?? He wanted all of us to attend..

Rose: Okay. I will call oppa then. He asked me if you are comfortable to come..
Jisoo: Okay
Rose: And handle your company.. You know that I'm not that capable to handle it..
Jisoo chuckled and replied
Jisoo: Okay

1Day Later

Namjoon: Jisoo come fast..
Jisoo: Coming oppa 1minute

All came to pick Jisoo and Jungkook. They are travelling in a bus and everyone now outside of Jisoo's house..
Rose: What is taking her so long Jungkook??
Jungkook: Madam was doing her office work till now.. She started her packing in last minute..
Yoongi: Aishh.. This girl!!

Jisoo: Sorry everyone
Jisoo came with her suitcase struggling with it.. Taehyung saw her and wanted to go and help her but Jennie held his hand to stop him.. Jin and Jungkook went forward and both hold the suitcase handle at same time..

Jungkook: Hyung I can manage..
Jin: It's okay. You leave it.
Jungkook: No, I will help her you can go first..
Jin: I said I can do this..
They both were fighting over a suitcase, everyone watching them and laughing.. While Jisoo was confused what to say

Yoongi came forward and said
Yoongi: You both leave it..
Both leave the handle immediately and yoongi went in with the suitcase..
(My savage king)

Jisoo: Oppa wait for me..
Jisoo went after yoongi and sat with him
Yoongi: Why are you sitting next to me??
Jisoo: I don't want to leave you in this whole travel..
Yoongi: Okay but don't disturb my sleep..
Jisoo: Done..

Rose: Are you sitting with Yoongi oppa??
Jisoo: Yeah
Rose: I thought We will sit together..
Jisoo: It's okay and you go to Jimin. He also wants to sit with you..
Rose: Okay..

Everyone went inside while Namjoon and Jihyo set together.. Jimin and rose, Taehyung and Jennie, Jhope and Jin set together and jungkook and lisa sat separate.. Though lisa wanted to sit with Jungkook but he sat alone..

Taehyung's Pov
I was sitting with Jennie but my eyes never left Jisoo.. She never looked at me even at once. Did she already moved on??

Jennie: What are you thinking??
Taehyung: Nothing..
Jennie: Why don't you live in my house?? How long will you stay at hotel??
Taehyung: I already said it's okay..

Jennie: Dad will be here before Namjoon oppa and Jihyo's wedding..
Taehyung: Hmm
Jennie: Then we can get married after 2days after Namjoon oppa and Jihyo's wedding..
Taehyung: What's the hurry?? You wanted to marry in 2weeks that's why I agree now you are telling me in 2days after their wedding??

Jennie: Yeah I don't wanna delay anymore..
Taehyung: Are you thinking that I'll ditch you or something??
Jennie: No but I just don't want that to happen with me what happened to Jisoo..
Taehyung: Really!! Because of you my dad asked me to leave house.. My friends are against me and you are blaming me??

Jennie: I'm not blaming you I'm just afraid.. I can't loose you. You know that how much I love you..

Taehyung didn't answer her.. He looked out of the window while thinking how his life just changed in few days..
Was he regretting his own decision??!!

Hey everyone hope you are loving my story.. There are some of you asking me if Taehyung end up with Jisoo or Jennie.. Actually I already thought about the end even before I started writing this.. So I wanna just say who ever Taehyung end up with even if it's not your ship, just don't hate my story.. It's just a fanfic there is nothing real..
I hope you will still love my story.
Thank you and love you all❤️❤️

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