Part 32

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Lisa: Is that your farmhouse??
Namjoon: Yes.. Why??
Lisa: It's more like mansion.
Jhope: It's so cool

Namjoon chuckled, while all were admiring from outside..
Namjoon: Lets go inside.

Everyone get inside. their admiration even grew more..
All went to their respective rooms. As the house is big, so it has enough room for all to fit..

Next morning
Jennie's POV

I was sleeping. I woke up with the sounds of bird's chirping.. Sunlight fall on my face as I opened my eyes. I looked outside. It was a fresh morning with all positivities. Very far from the noisy life of ours. Only green trees can be seen as far as my eyes can go.. It's indeed a breathtaking scenario in front of me..

I was lost in this nature until I smelt something.. Something delicious, I followed where the smell is coming from.. I went to the kitchen and saw a manly figure cooking without noticing my existence. I sat in front of the kitchen counter while his back was facing me..

Jennie: What are you cooking??
???: Yahh

I flinched at the guy who just screamed while rubbing his chest to calm himself down..

???: You scared me..
Jennie: Yoongi right??
Yoongi: yes..

He replied with his straight face.. Why always straight face?? Doesn't he smile?? Should I ask??
Jennie: Can't you smile??

He asked sternly crunching his brows. Did I ask something wrong??
Jennie: Just asking. Never saw any other expressions from you. Just this poker face.

He didn't changed his sight but still staring with that same straight look.. Then I asked him to change the topic.
Jennie: What are you cooking??
Yoongi: Pancakes and coffee..

Author's POV

Jennie: looking delicious.. Can I have some??
Jennie asked with her cheerful voice with doe eyes..

Yoongi: But I only cooked for myself..
Yoongi said while pouring his coffee.

Jennie: Ohh
Jennie pouted being sad. Yoongi looked at her and a small smile crept on his face..

Yoongi: I'm not that hungry you can have this..
With that he slides the plate and coffee towards her and went to make another coffee for him..

Jennie: But it's yours..
She said to him still pouting. Yoongi sat infront of her with his coffee.
Yoongi: And I said I'm not hungry..

Jennie smiled at him
Yoongi: Why are you awake this early??
Jennie: Just woke with the sounds of birds chirping.. What about you??
Yoongi: Woke up to eat something..
Jennie: You already said you are not that hungry..!

Yoongi: A..ahh y..yeah I mean am not hungry now..
At that moment yoongi's stomach growled in hunger.. Jennie looked at where the sound comes from and back to him while he was sipping his coffee nervously..

Jennie: I can hear that..
With that Jennie got up and took an extra plate, she cut the pancake in half and placed the half of the pancake in the other plate.. she looked at both plates and smiled proudly . Yoongi was looking at her all actions.. She gave yoongi one of the plates..

Jennie: Here you go..
Yoongi didn't said anything and start eating..
She also started eating after him..

Jennie: Everyone is still sleeping??
Yoongi: Namjoon and Jihyo went out.. Jin and jhope is in the leaving room, jisoo went out for a walk, I don't know about your friend, rest are probably still sleeping and I also don't know about that Taehyung..

Jennie simply just nodded understanding yoongi's hate towards Taehyung..
Jennie: You really don't like Taehyung..?
Yoongi: Give me one reason to like him.. He broke her heart whom I love most in this world..

Jennie: You mean Jisoo??
Yoongi: yess.
Jennie: love jisoo??
Yoongi: Not that way pabo.. She is like my little sister.. And she is the most precious in this whole world..

Jennie: Ohh wait you called me pabo..?!!
Yoongi: Do you see anyone else is here??
Jennie: Grumpy grandpa..
Yoongi: Yahh
At that time Jennie put pancake in his mouth making his whole face like a boiled dumpling.. Jennie chuckled at him..

Yoongi: So you love Taehyung??
Jennie: yeah
Jennie replied with smile

Yoongi: And what about him??
Her smile immediately dropped, she took a sip from her coffee while yoongi still staring at her..

Jennie: H..he also loves me..
Yoongi scoffed at her words before saying

Yoongi: If you're saying so.. Otherwise I don't want you to get hurt at the end like jisoo..
With that he got up and took both plates for wash leaving Jennie dumbfounded..

Jisoo's POV

I was walking and admiring the beauty of nature.. there is no other house near not any story or anything.. The farmhouse is in the middle of the jungle I can say.. There is only trees everywhere.. Though it's beautiful with a horrific situation.. I keep walking until I realised I came very far from the house.,

I decided to went back but now I was lost.. I looked around but everything looked same. There was no clue from which direction I came that far.. Now I was feeling nervous. I shouldn't have come alone here.. I was in my thoughts when I heard some sounds behind the bushes..

I closed my eyes tightly in nervousness until I heared a familiar voice..

???: Jisoo..?!!


Namjoon: Hey Jin hyung.. Hey hobi hyung..
Namjoon greeted both while struggling to hold big bags full of food..

Jhope: Where are the lovebirds coming from??
Jihyo: We went to buy breakfast for everyone and some groceries..

Jennie: You both are here??
At that time Jennie entered with yoongi

Namjoon: Yeah we are here but why you are with yoongi hyung??
Jennie: We both were at kitchen, we were hungry so we had some pancakes..

Jihyo: But we brought breakfast..
Rose: Breakfast!! I am hungry please serve already..
Rose pleaded like a baby making Jimin aww in her who just entered after her..

Jennie: I am still hungry though
Yoongi: You just had pancakes..
Jennie: Correction, half pancake. You had the other half..

Lisa: You both ate same pancakes??
Jimin: With same plates??

Jennie: No and when you arrived??
Lisa: When you said you shared pancakes with yoongi..

Jimin: How romantic
Yoongi passed by jimin and flicked his head while mouthed a ShutUp..

Jin: Okay so let's eat??
Namjoon: But before that call everyone.. Where is Jisoo??
Yoongi: She went for a walk.. Call jungkook.

Jimin: But he is not at his room, I just checked.
Jhope: Really I thought he is still sleeping..
Namjoon: Maybe in terrace..
Lisa: I am coming from terrace he is not there..

Jimin: Taehyung is not here too.. I went to his room too.
Jennie: Taehyung is also not home..??

~Author's Note~
Sorry for the late.. Next part will update in few days, till then guess who's that Jisoo's familiar person?? Was that Jungkook/Taehyung or someone else??
Till then love you all and take care everyone 💜❤️💜❤️
"GET  IT,  LET  IT,  ROLL.."

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