Major Crisis! Two Girls, One Robot and... another Robot?!

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VHN-064's POV

It was a rather chilly day in the city of Hiroshima. The streets were filled with snow and some children were playing around. Although I always thought to myself, why do these children want to play in the snow? Wouldn't they get cold?

I do not understand.

Moving on, the reason why I don't get any of these things was because I'm not human. At all.

I'm referred to VHN-064 by my creators. I'm an android or in simpler terms, a robot. I was supposed to be observing the nature of this world and using my ice powers to prevent global warning. Until I got thrown away due to my damaged core from them. Surprisingly I managed to survive and I assumed my creators did not want me anymore so I went wherever the wind took me.

So I continued to walk on, passing pedestrians by until something bumped into me.


I was completely fine and managed to get up but the person who had bumped into me was still on floor. I couldn't decide whether to help them up but I had nothing better to do so I grabbed my hand and the person immediately held my hand and pushed themselves up.

"Oh egads, I'm so sorry! I was really acting stupid and wasn't looking both ways- Are you alright?" "Her" voice sounded... like a frog?

"I'm fine?"

"Ah good. Well... good for me then! And have a good day." The olive-haired girl picked up her massive backpack and ran off into the fog. Why did she need to apologise to me? And why was she being so nice? I don't understand at all.

I continued to walk around, I looked at the shops. There was one latte drink which I got attracted to. According to my scans, it's supposed to be a strawberries and creme frappuccino. It looked so appetising. I wanted to have it to myself, if only I could eat or drink human food without a sting in my wires. I stared at the frappuccino for a while until my core was reacting again. Causing a terrible pain in my chest, it hurt. It hurt like hell. A robot's worse nightmare would be their core malfunctioning. Even though I've lived with it for a while, this pain was probably the worst...

Then an image of the olive-haired girl flashed to me. She was carrying a backpack and I had scanned it earlier. The bag was composed of several wrench, a construction kit, some blueprints, test tubes, the Books for Dummies and a diary? That girl might be the key to my solution.

Maybe she could fix me?

~Location: An Unknown World~

Third Person POV
Meanwhile, there was another world separate from Earth where our heroes lived. It was a dark and gloomy world with the air only being musky dust clouds and the ground being burnt grass. No flowers grew here, no radiance seen or the peaceful streams of water around. Just despair and a large mansion surrounded by other parts of the world. This world was known as the Villains' Square.

Among the passing villains, one of them stood out and was standing near the door of the tall and mystic skyscraper. The "person" looked like a humanoid beetle with two wings as one of them was a bit faint. He seemed very anxious.

"Alright Gigamite... you can do this ~mite!" He stuttered.

Gigamite's wings fluttered around and then it stopped once the doors opened. Gigamite took a cautious step back, and leaned towards the musky door. He took a large gulp and floated inside with the door slamming shut.

Inside the Skyscraper, if we could call it that. The interior didn't look much of one but rather... a laboratory. It was filled to the brim with monstrous technology and glass chambers where some test subjects were residing in through their unconsciousness. Gigamite leaped through the doors and almost tripped catching at least three people's attention.

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