Beauty! Sincerity! Welcome, Cure Chilled!

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[Writer's Note: So I'm starting this thing where any insert song from a PreCure series can be a placeholder for my OC Cures. Hence Punch would have gotten Hibiki's second image song and Shock gets Honoka's first image song TSUBOMI. And yes these all play during their first fights. And apologizes if this seems rushed! My brains hurts a lot and sometimes I write rubbish so just to let you know-]

VHN-064's POV

~Location: Sayaka's Mansion/Time: Monday Morning~



Today was a sunny Monday morning. The birds were chirping, the trees were still standing after a cold breeze. I pulled down my pitch black hair down for some reason, and I felt a surge of relaxation and peace through my wires but I still couldn't feel it.

And of course I had to introduce myself. My name is yet to be known but I also go by VHN-064, my serial code according to Alolo. I'm indeed an android. I can't remember anything much other my creators throwing me away but even that I can't find any reason why they would other than my damaged core. The core slightly hurts less than before but I can still feel the wave of pain once in a while.

"VHN~!" Alolo came from the doors and glopped onto me within a second.

"Hello Alolo." I slightly took a step back, Alolo was filled with joy and hugged me tightly.

"You know I feel better than ever after yesterday ~beep! What about you?"

"... I guess I feel the same?" I replied.

"Ah I knew it VHN! You know... it's really refreshing to talk with another robot you know... the only robots I get to talk to are the other operators back at the Hall of Heroes. But knowing fascinated robots, they never want to make ice-breakers with me ~beep..." Alolo frowned.


"Yeah! Maybe you should at least thank me for fixing you?" Then there was so-called Sayaka, except she wasn't too happy instead she looked miserable and tired.

"Oh Sayaka, you look very tired ~beep."

"Obviously I'm tired because I removed my sleeping schedule just to whack you back into your normal self Alolo! I have school today!" Sayaka complained as she grabbed her school uniform and lazily put it on.

"Oh yes... but it's only five o'clock, Sayaka! I'm sure you can rest some more ~beep-"

"Sayaka, the Child Half-Awake Genius, lives further away from the school and needs to wake up around this time to have my shower which I just had minutes ago, then do my hair, THEN put on my uniform, EAT breakfast and listen to my annoying older brother brag on his 100th achievement in Further Maths or Biology! After that, I'm heading to school filled to the brim with bratty girls who love to gossip for their lives and the jocks showing off their bloody muscles. Not to mention Ruby's rough attire and informal attitude, Ryuukawa's air-headedness and my science club which I tolerate with! With that I have to do this Cure job which tired me out from the amount of times I have to thrust out my arms! Now I'm here because you decided to destroy 45% of my laboratory and disturbed me when I was trying to have a rest! So Alolo, mind watching your health instead of gawping at VHN?" Sayaka shot a cold glare at Alolo after her long monologue.

"I umm.. I'm sorry Unagisaki ~beep." Alolo frowned and changed his monitor screen to a dark greyish-blue.

"Thank you, well while I was monologuing to myself, I'm changed now. I have to get to school since I wasted my breakfast time thanks to a certain robot." Sayaka said as she grabbed her massive backpack and prepared to leave early.

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