Uwah! Watch Out, the Pretty Cure Hunter!

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Ruby's POV
~Location: Ruby's House | Time: Saturday Morning~

Time sure flies huh, a whole six weeks has already gone by at school. I mean I did join around May or something like that. According to my teachers I've gotten better in terms of body language and behaviour overall. And well the spring break has already started! Even though it's only 2 weeks. Bleh. Not to mention becomin' a Pretty Cure with Sayaka and Aurora of all people (our new team name since we do a lot of fighting for being magical girls and we randomly say 'Pretty Cure' or some other way like that.)

I immediately got up from my bed, and put on a white crop-top with the word 'Jewel'. Then I wrapped a checkered jumper around my waist and wore jet black demin shorts. I grabbed my Cure-Idealiser and put in a salmon red strap bag along with my phone.

I walked down the stairs and there was my dad this time around.

"Oi Dad!" I called out.

"Oi Ruby!" Dad waved back at me, I jumped down the stairs and hugged him. I didn't see him on Friday since he must have came back when I went to bed.

"Aren't ya glad it's the holidays now. I guess you won't have to worry about school for now." He grinned.

"Heh, that's what I've been waitin' for!" I giggled. "Also I guess you're off from work?"

"Technically. I still have to go on Mondays and Wednesdays only."

"Aw that sucks." I pouted.

"Hey brighten' up, kid. At least you get spend some more time with your dad, eh?" He nudged my shoulder.

"Yeah! So um, I was going to go outside to meet my friends. But I'm in a rush so Mom doesn't see me-"


"Whoops. Sorry I busted you." Dad nervously sighed.

"Yes Mom?"

"Ok first of all, what are you wearing?!" She looked my outfit and the first thing she noticed was my croptop. "I know you're not into boys right now but... you don't want to be TOO revealing especially how... developed you are!"

"M-Mom! I'll be fine! If they stare at me, I'll stare at them back!" I quickly hid my chest.

"Yeah, ya know Ruby. She takes no crap from anyone." Dad replied.

"And you, sir, need to be more responsible for your child. You don't want her getting harassed by hooligans!" Mom complained.

"Hey. Like Goldeye, don't think of the worst things! Think of the best things when it comes to the future!"

"Oh boy here we go with that Goldeye thing. I see the both of you haven't grown out of that thing." She rolled her eyes.

"That thing was my childhood, Mom. Anyway I have to go. Love ya guys." I headed out of the door.

"W-Wha- RUBY!" Mom cried.

Sayaka's POV

Ah spring break.. Not a grand holiday like winter or summer but it was a nice peaceful spring. I've already prepared what I'll wear for this particular break!

A yellow top with retro-like jogging trousers. Along with my purple glasses for a change. But I will never forget my good old lab coat, it is indeed mandatory. This time around I wasn't taking my backpack. It feels like I've lifted off a chainball whenever I'm not wearing it, yet Ruby suggested it because it makes me look like a creep. So instead I wore a green strapbag so I can store my Cure-Idealiser and Aurora's in case she doesn't have a bag.

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