Celebrity Girls in Hiroshima! Wait What?

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Another day was another day. Just moments ago we just met the idol to everyone who was a diehard fan for comics, Goldeye. But like all of the heroes who got turned into Action-Paks, Goldeye was close to becoming an Action-Pak until he miraculously escaped. So now I guess me, Sayaya and Aurora are all Pretty Cure together with of course Sir Goldeye and Alolo's help!

Sayaka's POV
~Location: Sayaka's Mansion (Lower Floor) | Time: Monday Morning~

"English Literature... Biology... Sociology... Japanese... Computing-" I nodded as I skimmed through my bag. Check. And of course my personal goggles, flask, iodine solution, test tube and... check! Everything's in my bag, and the Child Genius can never survive a normal school day without her proper equipment!

I exited my laboratory through the pole and came out through the hallway. I greeted my mother who was watching some... questionable programmes, then Neutron was happily chewing on his toy that I made for him. My aunt Kiri visited for today because she needed more research for her botanical garden.

 "Ah Sayaya-honey!" Mom waved from the sofa.

"Morning Mom. Morning to you too, Neutron and Aunt Kiri." I bowed.

"Good morning Sayaka. Grr... Hey Sayaka, do me a favour and please tell your mother to stop pestering me!" Kiri complained, she was wearing her own lab coat and wore blue gloves it looked like she was gardening from the amount of dirt that was on her hands.

"Hmm... what did she do now?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

"She won't stop asking about my garden! I keep telling her it's private and for my research!" Kiri sulked, crossing her arms.

"But Kiri you always say that...!" Mom whined, pushing her fingertips again. "You're so lame..."

Kiri scoffed at Mom's reply, "How are you Mother's favourite again?!"

"Huh? Me? Ha! You're Mother's favourite!" Mom argued back, "You had all of the attention!"

"Not this again! Mother always brought you the most fanciest stuff from when she came back from Cameroon, Italy, Côte d'Ivoire, Sudan, China, India, America, Columbia and so on!" Kiri darted back with her faded maroon eyes.

"Stop lying! She left you off even when you did the worst thing ever in the world!" Mom got up and stood right in front of Aunt Kiri.

"When you failed your Math classes, she always let you off and when I did I got punished!"

"I never got a new car for my 16th birthday until when I was 19! She got yours earlier!"

"She gave you a fancy foregin name! I have a plain old Japanese name!"

"She was more proud when you graduated!"

"No she was more proud of YOU!"

"No YOU!"


"Frances...!" Kiri narrowed her eyes.

"Kiri...!" Mom growled.

The two of them eyed each other and started to grow red veins on their eyes as a thunderbolt flashed between their eyes.

Yep I'm getting out of here. "Y-You two do you. I'm off to school, I want to be early anyway." I patted Neutron.

"Have a safe journey Sayaka!" Mom and Kiri waved, again they eyed at each other. Thankfully I have no idea what they were going to do next because Mom and Kiri always had the stupidest of arguments.

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~Location: Epicdemia Academy Front Gates | Time: Monday Morning~

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