Thoughts and Actions

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"Gosh it's Halloween and you still haven't gave birth! It's like these kids want to stay in your belly." Lele says as she rubs Danny's stomach.

"I think it's time they should though." Danny grunts as the twins kick Lele's hand that's placed on her stomach.

"Whoa it's like they are little Jet Li's over here protecting their selves." Lele laughs as she removes her hand.

"They sensing everything they can hear or feel. Last time they were kicking my stomach at the sound of Julian singing."Ash and Danny chuckles as Julian fist pumps and nods his head around the costume store.

"Oh and don't forget when they hear they daddy's voice. They instantly go to kicking, and they be kicking real hard." Danny says as she looks at costumes.

"Girl they coming tonight I tell ya." Alexa says as she pulls out two little princess costumes off the rack.

"These two better," Danny says as she pulls out a maternity angel costume and a devil costume. "Hmm, angel or devil?" She asks.

"Angel." The all answer at once.

Danny laughs at how quickly they answered. "The dress is ugly though, I got my cute long white maxi dress that I can still wear with this belly of mine. I'll just take the wings."

"Good because when we get to the Halloween party for the teens at 'The Crew', your preggo behind gone go on stage and start the party for these teenagers. Hopefully if they see your pregnant behind in the building, they won't do anything." Mikayla says as she took the little wings from Danny and bought all the girls costumes.

"It seems so weird to go on that stage when I'm soon to burst at any- oh gosh!" Danny held her stomach at the kick given to her stomach. Everybody quickly went to her, making sure that she was okay.

"I'm fine," she breathed out. "Just one big kick to my stomach."

Everyone sighed in relief. "Girl you scared me." Desirae says with a shake of her head.

"It's Halloween, I guess the babies wanted in on pranks." Jenny smiles as she pats Danny's stomach.

"Good job, because they done scared they daddy." Mikayla says with a chuckle as she points over at Langston. Langston was standing there, looking at Danny with worried eyes. Danny walked over to him and wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Did that really scare you, or it just shocked you." Danny whispered.

"It kinda shocked me, but I'm all good." He whispers in her ear and kisses the top of her head. People awed at the couple as they walked out the store with the others following behind.

"Aye it's 4:45 pm, shouldn't we make sure the place is all set up for the Halloween party that starts at 7:30?" Jenny asks as they all got in their cars.

"Yeah then we're going to go get the twins dressed for Halloween and take them out for an hour and have the babysitter look after them when I host the party." Danny says before closing her door and rest in the passenger seat. In minutes they were opening the big black doors to the club, and every little space in the room was decorated. The white walls were covered with black spider webs and orange and black spiders. Miniature jack-o-lanterns were on the white spider web clothed black tables. A low lying fog machine blew white fog, black and orange balloons were floating around the ceiling, the lasers that were just put in were now put in use, and the Dj's table is now a gigantic pumpkin on the stage.

"Wow! This place going to have mad crazy teens in here when they see all of this!" Desirae shrieks as she walks into the place.

"But they better cool it when I walk up in here, or I'm having Dre and Trell kick them out." Danny huffs as she sits on a bar stool.

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