Getting It

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"I swear if that bitch Bianca get in my way in the hallways again on purpose Ima seriously stomp her ass." Danny says as she opens her locker to put her textbooks away so the could leave school.

"Don't even sweat it Nene, she just thinks that all because she gets the big parts in Angeles Art plays she all that. Plus, it's our birthday! Michael and the guys got a surprise for us!" Ashley squeals as she shuts her locker.

"Okay that's true, I'm psyched to be surprised by the guys! I hope it's awesome we could dance right now because I'm happy!" Danny says as Ashley and her twirls around and bumps into a group of teachers.

"Uh, oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She squeaks.

"No, it's fine I was just like you, dancing to my hearts content." A woman smiled at me.

"Wait a minute," another teacher step in. "These two could be the other two main parts for the movie!" Mr. Winchester cheers.

Lost and confused as the two girls were, they had to ask. "Uh, what movie?" Ashley asks as she fixes her bag on her shoulder.

"It's a extra credit movie for students who want to try and get a scholarship and graduate early." He explains.

A light bulb just went off in Danny's head. "You mean that dance romance movie Angeles Art school is making?!" Completely surprised by them asking Lele and her.

"That's the one, we need two girls for the other main parts. It's going to be sort of like Honey and Step Up." Mr. Winchester says as he hands the girls a paper needed to be signed to get the scholarship and extra credit. The minute the papers were signed they were in one of the school's dancing studios acting for the movie that was almost done, only part left was the big dancing scene.

"Alright everyone that's it for today!" Yells Ms. Chase as she walks up to Danny and Ashley.

"You guys are great, I cannot wait for this production to be finished!" She shrieked.

Danny and Ashley had big smiles plastered on their faces. "Thank you" they say at the same time as they collected their stuff to go home.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." She waves them off as they leave to Danny's car in the parking lot.

"Wow that was so fun!" Ashley squeals as the two got into the car.

"And we get to go to college early! The guys are gonna be so proud of us! How can our birthday get any better?" Danny asks as they pull out and drive home.

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It was about five o'clock when the two got home and the minute they got in the house they were jumped. "Happy birthday mamas! We was waiting on the other two special girls of the day." Desirae says as she drags them to the living room to find a very confused Mikayla and Nereli.

"Can anybody explain why we been held as hostages?" Nereli asks as she stands up.

"Girl I have no idea we just came from school cause something real mad crazy happened." Ashley says shrugging at the situation.

"What you mean? Who we gotta beat in Angeles Art? If it's that bitch Bianca I will stomp her ass!" Nereli quickly put her hair in a ponytail.

"Calm down La Femme Bella mafia. Nothing like that happened." Danny chuckles. "I mean, I wanna cut the lil' ho down a notch or two, but her stuck up ass ain't worth it."

"Okay you right about that. Still I just wanna get' er though because she came at me pullin' my hair, nu uh I left that school before her ass got beat again inside the damn building." Everybody busted out laughing at Nereli's expression when she talked about Bianca pulling her hair.

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