Along The Road

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Along the road runs
A trail of tall trees
Or do I run past them
On my journey to nowhere
I put my hands out from
The car window to let
The wind caress my palms
To feel the soft air pressure

Now the traffic seems to vanish
I seem to have lost the way
In a blink I go blind while
Passing through a dark cave
On my hand feels the air colder
For a while near the road I wanna stop
Because not that I am tired but I have
Come far away in the wrong direction

I pull back my hand as I feel the chill
Day light's dimming, the air is frozen
And it's soft touch has become harsh
How did I not realize it sooner
I have bumped into foul ditches
My heart doesn't wander anymore
On the roads that once seemed euphoric
How do I now find my way back home


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