Under The Sky

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I like dark moonless nights
Followed by bright mornings
The one when sky is clear blue
After the storm passed by
The one when the sun shines
Yet the winds keep their chill
The one with hot coffe breakfast
Served in bed with cookies
The one when I open my eyes
And I find my hand gripped in yours
I like to stay and watch you sleep
When leaving your side is hardest
I like when it is the toughest challenge
To take my hand without awaking you
When days are simple and love is sweet
I like to hold your hand and take the walk

Followed by bright sunny days
I like the calm full moon nights
When stars shine and cover the darkness
And finding our constellations is a quest
I like to add extra spice in your supper
And smile when you eat with watery eyes
I like talking about things that make sense
And also the ones that do not make any
I like how falling asleep by your side is easy
Knowing that you're watching over me
Saying the prayers to keep the evil away
Letting me hold your hand in my hard grip
When you know it is my biggest fear
To not find you around when I wake up
To a morning that is not bright and sunny
To find my hand empty and walk the road alone


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