The Wishful Wish

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If I may then I shall
Make the longest and finest wish
May what you seek finds you
May not any dirt touch your feet
May your good time gets frozen
May no bad memories stay with you

If I may then I shall
Cast the purest and thickest spell
May evil eyes loose their sight of you
May all blessings find their way to you
May not you suffer no mans hatred
May the love of one man be enough

If I may than I shall
Find the brightest and luckiest gem
May it cast away all the shadows
May its sparkle brightens your ways
May it effectuate all the good fortune
May tides of time brings you no harm

If I may then I shall
Light a chandelier in your way
May your vision never be blurred
May nothing cause you torment ever
May against your demons you fight
May your weaknesses be your strength

If I may than I shall
Be your knight in shinning armour
May all those wicked vanish in the void
May you get loyal and faithful kinship
May this dawn brings you new hopes
May the best stay til infinity forever

If I may than I shall
Make the longest and finest wish
May you get no distress If you desire
May before the blink of eye all you get
May life be comfort and freedom for you
May all the prayers be your cloak


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