My Mystery Man

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Lurking behind the curtain
Of time and space uncertain
I try to take a peak but in vain
All my efforts and blood drain
Into ocean of love that contain
The souls of lovers in a hurricane

Oh my mystery man
Come out and save your jane
From retribution of sin and pain
To no one but you would I explain
The reason of my actions insane
That devour my life and what remain
But the dudgeon of a sullen grape

To my mystery man
The beatific sunset and seascape
Out of my sight never escape
Those moments wearing a cape
Always flow through me and scrape
The hardships of love and shape
The monument of eternal flame!

Oh my mystery man
Stop lurking behind the frame
In love there is no shame
Let this tribe know your name
For the fearless is all the fame
And the aimless only blame
The circumstances and their fate!


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