1. Game

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Adora's POV

The electric atmosphere did nothing to quell Adora's nerves as she waited impatiently for Glimmer to arrive. The gym was already filling with spectators even though the game didn't start for another hour or so. Her eyes swung from one entrance to another, seeking out her best friend in the ever-growing crowd. She found she was bouncing on the balls of her feet when she finally noticed a head of coiffed pink hair in the throng.
'Finally,' she thought to herself as she raised her hand to catch Glimmer's attention, waving desperately.
"Hey," Glimmer said with a grimace as she sidled up to Adora. "Sorry, I overslept."
"Shocker," Adora smirked as she waved her hands in a sarcastic gesture. "Where's Bow?"
"He dropped me at the front so he could go to find parking. That lot is a damn shit show."
"True. Let's go get changed and ready to kick some ass."

Catra's POV

"I cannot believe that we made it to nationals this year!" Scorpia exclaimed, her pincers snapping excitedly.
"You're really surprised?" Catra mused, her tail swishing confidently as they walked through the huge gymnasium. "Our win streak was almost flawless, and with me as captain how could you really expect any less?"
"That's true, I suppose."
Catra's eyes widened as she took in the crowd. The bleachers were already half full and still filling. Her confidence sank a bit at her realization of the multitudinous crowd and her tail flicked back and forth nervously.
"Huge turnout, eh?" Scorpia chirped with a clap.
"Yeah," Catra swallowed, "it's a bit intimidating to be honest."
"You do well under pressure. Don't worry. Entrapta and I will be there to back you up too."
Catra smiled and nodded as Scorpia held the door to the locker room open for her as they laughed and chatted loudly. What she saw inside stopped her dead in her tracks.

Adora's POV

The door to the locker room flung open, loud laughter filling the tight space. Glimmer and Adora looked up to see who had arrived and both of their jaws dropped in disbelief. Adora rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating and did a double take.
"Holy shit," Glimmer muttered. "Is that Catra?"
"It certainly looks like it."
Catra was just as Adora remembered from high school; lean, confident, sexy. She couldn't help but stare at the girl with whom she had been best friends once. They'd had a falling out in high school, but it was so long ago that Adora couldn't remember why it was to save her life. She watched as Catra's heterochrome eyes swung around the locker room, taking in the competition and ogling a few girls in passing. Her blue and yellow stare ground to halt upon seeing Adora, who turned quickly away, pretending she hadn't noticed the gorgeous feline.

Catra's POV

Catra's eyes lingered on her ex-best friend's muscular back; her gaze sliding down Adora's spine to her firm ass then to her toned thighs. Catra's tongue darted out to wet her lips, desire shifting low in her belly. Glimmer stared hard at Catra, who waggled her fingers tauntingly, making Glimmer turn around with a soft huff and continue changing. Catra took a deep breath, running a hand through her hair as she strode up behind the blonde.
"Hey Adora. Long time no see."

Adora's POV

Adora felt her muscles go rigid at the soft roar of Catra's voice directly behind her. She tried to make it seem as though the sight of her ex-best friend hadn't phased her, but she knew Catra's feline eyes caught every little movement. She stood, attempting to maintain the tiny bit of composure she desperately clung to, and turned to face Catra.
"Hello, Catra," Adora smiled softly. She had honestly missed Catra. They had been best friends since they were children, high school had changed them both; their friends, their views, their lives. Deep down, though, Catra still held a special place in her heart, no matter what happened between them.
"You ready to get spanked?" Catra grinned with a hand on a cocked hip.
"Is that a promise or a threat?" Adora purred, hitching a brow.
Catra had been caught off guard by the sassy response, but only for a millisecond. "Take it as you will Princess. We're going to cream you."
"Might want to watch how you word things, Catra. First you're going to spank me, then you're going to cream me? Sounds more like a wild night than a volleyball match."
Catra's ears folded in embarrassment as she grimaced. "Whatever. You like it."
"Never said I didn't," Adora folded her arms with a grin.
"How about we make a little wager?" Catra purred, slowly circling the blonde, seductively sliding the length of her lithe tail under Adora's chin. "Winner buys drinks tonight?"
"You're on, Kitty." Adora quipped competitively.
"Excellent." Catra smiled as she walked past and slapped Adora's ass with her tail in passing.
Adora let out a quick yelp and rubbed the spot where Catra's tail had connected and watched the beautiful girl sway her hips as she walked away.

Catra's POV

Catra hadn't expected Adora to respond quite like that and it had showed, but Catra had had the last laugh. The shock on Adora's face had been well worth her embarrassment. She could have sworn too, that she had seen something else in Adora's expression. Had it been lust? Longing? Catra bit her lip at the thought of Adora wanting her, but shook her head free of the idea.
"You alright there, Wildcat?" Scorpia asked, placing a gentle pincer on her shoulder.
"Uh yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Catra changed quickly and slammed her locker shut. "Now, let's go kick some blonde ass. I'm looking to get wasted tonight."

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