3. Match

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Catra's POV

Catra checked her appearance in the mirror for the hundredth time. Her hair was untamable, she hadn't even made an attempt in that department, but she had applied a bit of eyeliner and mascara to make her blue and yellow eyes pop. She hadn't planned to see Adora on this trip, but she had planned on picking up a girl or two to take home with her, so she had packed what she called the Lady Killer. It was a beautiful three piece burgundy suit which she paired with a solid black dress shirt and unraveled tie. It drove girls nuts and straight into her arms and eventually her bed. She checked her watch and smiled. It was almost time to meet Adora, and she simply couldn't wait.

Adora's POV

Adora groaned as she tried on yet another dress at Forever 66666. Seriously, why had she not packed anything sexy? She hadn't really planned on doing much except the match and sleeping, maybe going out for a celebratory dinner. That had been a bit presumptuous. Still the only decent thing she had packed were denim shorts and a halter top with a pair of classic Vans.
She groaned and looked at all three of the dresses she had picked out and decided to FaceTime Glimmer for help. She had tried the baby pink single-shouldered dress but got disapproval from Glimmer in almost an instant. She tried on the lacy green number which Glimmer claimed was a little too mature and tame for a bar. She finally tried on the black-belted, burgundy sweater dress with the drawstrings at the sides that cinched mid thigh.
"That's the one!" Glimmer shouted through the phone. "A pair of nice stilettos, some cute accessories, which you can borrow. I can do your hair. Oh god, this is going to be so much fun! Makeover!"

Catra's POV

Catra ordered an Uber to the bar. She was going to live it up on Adora's dime, but still wanted to be safe. She looked out the window at the city of Eternia as the Uber driver made light small talk, doing nothing to distract her from her ever-mounting nervousness.
She hadn't seen Adora in almost seven years, not really. Passing each other in the hall without so much as a glance didn't count. Adora's emancipation from Shadow Weaver into Angella's care when she was fifteen had driven an even bigger wedge between them. Adora had started hanging with the cheerleaders and jocks; Catra had started fucking the cheerleaders and hanging out with the stoners. They both played volleyball still, but instead of playing for their high school team, Catra had joined a local rec center team to further avoid Adora. Their differing views and cliques were an obvious, more natural reason for their shifting dynamic, but not the only one. She remembered the real reason she had drifted away from her best friend, but now, almost a decade later, the reason felt stupid and childish. Before she could revel deeper into her memories, the car slowed to a stop in front of a jazzy, little place whose entrance dawned a single neon sign that beamed the old First Ones symbol into the rest of the city's light pollution.
"Here we are, Miss," the driver said.
Catra got out and tapped the top of the car with claws. She stole a glance at her watch and saw that it was only seven forty-five, but decided she could go in and grab them a quiet, little booth in the back and pregame. She was going to need it.

Adora's POV

Adora was getting anxious the later it got. Glimmer had been working on her hair for hours now. Thankfully they'd gotten her makeup out of the way early. Glimmer had given her a sexy, smoldering smoky eye to match her pretty dress. She had also loaned Adora a pair of diamond stud earrings, a single diamond necklace that lay perfectly in the shallow at the base of her throat, and a pair of black stilettos that made her legs look a mile long.
"Finished!" Glimmer exclaimed and tugged Adora to the full-length mirror of Bow's and her hotel room.
Adora's jaw dropped; she was absolutely stunning. Her smoky eye was accented with burgundy, making her blue eyes look like ice surrounded by fire and smoke. Her hair was gorgeous with beautiful braids that made her look like a Viking princess.
"Wow, Adora!" Bow said as he looked up from his phone. "You look really amazing. Question though. Why are you getting all dolled up to have a drink with Catra?"
"I-I'm not," Adora stammered and blushed. "Can't I look nice to go out and have a drink?"
"Sure," Bow smiled knowingly, "just thought you might want your best friends there if it was just a drink, though."
"I've just—I've really missed Catra. I honestly can't remember why we even had a falling out, but I'm hoping tonight we can change all that and I'd like to have a nice visual to look back on should the night go according to plan."
"Fair enough," Glimmer chirped, looking at the time on her phone. "You'd better get going. I took the liberty of ordering you an Uber. It's waiting outside for you. I hope you find everything you're looking for, Adora."

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