2. Set

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Catra's POV

Catra and Scorpia headed out of the locker room to meet their coach on the court. Catra could barely hear herself think, the crowd was so raucous. Her ears folded back in determination as she quickened her pace to keep up with Scorpia, when she noticed Adora across the court, watching her. Catra smiled menacingly and winked, blowing Adora a kiss and made a teasing drink gesture and pointed at the blonde. Adora's eyes narrowed as she flipped her ponytail and turned her head back to listen to whatever her coach was telling her team. Catra chuckled at her frustration, but took the time to take in Adora's body. She was so lean and muscular it made Catra's ribs hurt just to think of how tightly those arms could hold her. She dared to imagine what lie under Adora's shirt: soft, full breasts with large pink nipples with taut, toned abs underneath, that Catra longed for her tongue to explore the definition of. She imagined Adora had the sexy little V that slanted from her hips to disappear down into her skin-tight shorts where Catra could only hope her fingers or lips would eventually glide. She found herself wondering if Adora had a little triangle or landing strip of neatly kept blonde curls or if she was clean-shaven. She realized she was purring involuntarily at the thought when Scorpia elbowed her gently to pull her attention back to their coach.
"Catra!" Coach Shadow Weaver snapped as she made the rest of the team scatter to speak to her alone. "Focus, child! This is the big leagues. This is nationals. This isn't going to be as easy as taking state. You are the captain and you need to keep your head in the game. Don't let yourself be so easily distracted."
"Yes, Coach," Catra folded her ears in embarrassment yet again as Shadow Weaver had followed her line of sight and put two and two together.
"Do not let Adora sweep this out from under you. She knows all your weaknesses and strengths, but you know hers too. Use this knowledge to your advantage and win us nationals."
"Gee, ma," Catra groaned, "thanks, no pressure."
Having your mother figure that you used to share with your ex-best friend as your coach was both beneficial and a hinderance. Shadow Weaver knew what made Adora tick but she knew what made Catra tick too. She had always known, deep down, how Catra felt about Adora, but had kept it in her arsenal of secrets as far as Catra knew. She began to wonder, did Adora feel the same? Did Shadow Weaver know and just never tell her?

Adora's POV

Adora's team broke to take the court, but Coach Angella held her back for a one-on-one. "Adora," Angella began, a gentle, dainty hand on her muscular shoulder. "I have noticed that Catra is among the rival team. Do not let her distract you, and keep your eye on her. As captain, and her ex-best friend, you probably know her strengths and weaknesses better than most, but that means Catra must know yours too. I believe she is the captain of her team as well, and I have a feeling that this match is going to be more of a dance between the two of you. I hate to apply all the pressure on you here, but I fear you will take the brunt of it, as will Catra from our end. Just do your best and have fun."
"Thanks Coach," Adora saluted at attention. "You can count on me!"
"Alrighty folks," the announcer sounded over the gym's speaker system. "The time has come for the match of the year to begin! From Fright Zone University, the underdogs, please give it up for the Killing Horde!"
The crowd went absolutely wild, chanting the team name loud and proud. Of course there were boos too, but the applause quickly drowned it out before the announcer spoke again.
"And your reigning champs three years running, from Bright Moon University, your beloved Rebellion!"
The crowd went noticeably wilder at the mention of the reigning champs, no boos to be heard, only deafening cheers. Adora smiled at the familiar sound and fist bumped Glimmer and the rest of her teammates before shooting a cocky glance at Catra and hers. Catra wore a competitive scowl as she met a smug Adora at the net.
"Ready to get your asses kicked?" Adora said, crossing her arms confidently.
"Not likely," Catra growled. "I'm looking to get absolutely shit faced on your dime."
"We'll see, Kitty."

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