7. Joust

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Catra's POV

The morning sun leaked in through the drapes of the hotel window, rousing Catra from her sleep. She found herself wrapped in Adora's arms and snuggled against her chest. She lifted her head to see Adora's pretty face, mouth slack with sleep, drool running down her chin. She smiled, glad that last night hadn't been a dream.
She slid sadly from Adora's embrace and looked around the room; they had really done a number on it. Their clothes were scattered all over the floor and the furniture, shoes abandoned haphazardly, the strap-on tossed exhaustedly onto a chair. Catra picked up the pieces of the previous night's outfit and folded them as best she could and placed them into her backpack, exchanging them for something more casual.
She donned a black t-shirt whose sleeves she rolled up, a black denim vest adorned with a huge burgundy rose on the back, matched with a pair of tight ripped jeans, and aviators along with a pair of old, beat up biker boots. She picked up the strap-on to toss in the sink for a rinse and spotted Adora's ripped dress and cursed under her breath.
'Suppose I'll have to get you something to wear home, won't I, Princess?'
Catra looked at her watch to see that it was a quarter past nine, then looked to Adora, who had curled into a ball in her sleep. She smiled and pecked Adora on the cheek and padded silently out of the room. She jogged quickly to her motorcycle and headed toward the local mall.

Adora's POV

Adora cracked her eyes open as she stretched long and hard, her limbs tangled in the sheets. She rolled onto her hip to snuggle Catra but felt nothing but cold sheets. She bolted upright, scared that Catra had left her behind, that last night had been nothing but a fling. After scanning her surroundings though, she saw that Catra's backpack and flask were still on the desk, but she had cleaned up a bit.
The floor was free of their clothes, the signs of their night of pleasure dissipated into thin air. Adora spotted her ripped dress in the trash can by the mini fridge and she frowned. What was she going to wear home? Anything of Catra's would be too small on her. She reached for her clutch and pulled out her phone to find five missed calls and at least twenty unread texts. She opened the ones from Glimmer first. Of course her friend was freaking out about her never coming back to the hotel. No tea spilled made for an anxious Glimmer.
'Hey, Glim,' she typed, 'I'm fine. I spent the night with Catra. Might have to come home naked though.'
'NAKED?!' She could practically hear Glimmer shrieking at her end. 'Did she leave you? Do you need Bow and me to pick you up?'
'I don't think so. Her stuff is still here. I think she might've just stepped out.'
She heard the swipe of the key card in the door as she hit send.

Catra's POV

Catra held the bag containing Adora's new dress between her teeth. A bag with a few new shirts and shorts was in one hand and coffee and bagels in the other. Adora stood naked in the middle of the room and smiled as Catra came in.
"Well, good morning," Adora said with a sweet smile as she helped Catra with the bags and set them on the desk. She turned back and took Catra's face in her hands and kissed her sweetly. Catra smiled as she held Adora in her arms. She could get used to this.
"I, uh, bought you some clothes to wear on the ride home, and I replaced your dress that I ripped last night. Sorry about that."
"I'm not. That was fucking hot."
Catra chuckled and plucked one of the coffees from the drink tray and fell back into the chair, propping her boots up on the desk. She sipped her coffee and rocked back and forth in the chair.
"Well, Princess," she sipped, "why don't you get dressed and we can head on home."
"With you, Catra, I am home."

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