How It all began (1.)

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"Wow, these girls are going absolutely berserk!" I laughed while swaying my pinacoolata in the air.

"I know! I just can't believe these boys are growing up so fast! Remember when they posted 'teenage dirtbag' cover on youtube? Those were the good old days," Meghan said shaking her head. She was really pretty. Always had the best taste in style. She was wearing a green flannel shirt, which really made her blond hair show, and her blue eyes sparkle. Suddenly all my self-confidence drained from within me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I don't wanna look bad when my babies come out on stage, right?" i giggled to myself. I dont think she heard me, but i decided to go anyways. Besides, its not like anything would happen, It's a concert full of screaming girls.

I walked over to the hot security guard. He was wearing a black shirt and sunglasses. Show-off.

"Can you please direct me to the girl's bathroom." He said nothing. "Please! Don't make me go right now on top of you!" Ha that did the trick. His nose started to scruffle and he removed his glasses. DAMN he was hot. His green eyes were just staring at me, I couldn't decipher what he was thinking, almost as if he were making a life decision.

I shuddered. He gave me the heebie-jeebies.

"It's uh, right back there. Go down that hall, turn left and turn left again." He spoke after he put his glasses on.

"Oh, uh thanks.." As i started walking, i took a look behind me. Was he...smiling at me? Not a genuine smile, but something eerie, something bizarre.. i looked behind me one more time, and that's when i realized... he wasn't there anymore.

"Okay, now you're just creeping yourself out" i mustered a faint, nervous giggle, as i shook off the feeling that I was being.. watched...



"ARE YOU TRYING TO STARVE ME?!" Michael was freaking out. Calum and I were just cracking up on the bed watching this whole scenario.

"Honey, you've gained 7lbs in the past three days! You need to go on a diet and that's final" Replied Lou, sternly.

Lou was one of "Mothers on tour" as we like to call them. She checks up on us, makes sre we're healthy and sets us up for our concerts, you know, like fix our hair, although i really perfer to quiff my own.

Michael mutters something under his breath. " life.. pizza". I swear, he's a comedian, even when he doesn't intend to be.

"What's so funny?!" as he comes running towards us, and i quicky turn off my camera. I'll have to post this on youtube later. He jumps on top of us, soon followed by Ashton.

Calum tickles ashton in the armpits while Michael pokes his sides. he let out the most girliest scream.

"Guys get off of me you baby hippos!" I was laughing with hysteria, and with them on top just made it harder to breathe.

"BOYS. You better be dressed in 10 minutes! When i come back I want to see fully clothed men!" Lou said covering her eyes. Oh sorry, did i forget to mention we're in nothing but boxers?

"Woah! Wait a minute! Are you wearing my toucan boxers AGAIN LUKE?" Calum is such a freak about these things, i mean it's just underwear right?

I stuck ut my tongue, while Michael, unfortunately, let out a stinkbomb.

"THAT"S SICK MAN!" we said almost simultaneously.

"Shit guys, i think i left our bags of clothes in the bus" i bit my lip.

"Dammit Luke. I dont want to be parading around in my underwear" complained Mikey.

"Why? you do it almost everyday." Ashton snickered.

"Guys its frickin cold out there! We'll never make it! We'll die out there!" Mikey whined.

Then us three boys imated the witch from the Wizard of Oz. "Help,we're Mikey and we cant go outside! We're melting!" we taunted him.

"I'm not going alone" I pouted.

"alright then mate, lets all go together! It'll be an adenture" Ashton said while making Jazz hands.

We all walked out in a straight line, first Michael, Ashton, Me, then Calum, until Mike stopped abruptly.

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