Fire (5.)

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Ashton was crying; we all were. No not the way you're thinking! Out of laughter. Ashton is just so Goddamn funny!

"And then. AHAHA. And then.." Ashton broke off laughing. Actually, now that i think about, I don't even know what Ashton was trying to tell us. But his chuckles are so contagious! Especially since his laugh changes depending on the level of funniness the jokes are. "HAW HAW HAW" What the hell? I have never heard that laugh before, I mentioned to myself and made a mental note on his laugh. Haha, i feel like an Ashton fangirl.

While everyone was still laughing, I twisted the door knob. hmmm, that was strange. I don't remember locking it, maybe it's just stuck. I shook the handle back and forth with such fierce, i was sure it would break. I sighed. What to do! I'm sweaty and a mess and everyone knows i have my quirks on personal hygiene.

"Michael..hahahha..." I could barely make out a word Luke was saying. "Unlike the door...ahahaha. I'm gonna pee myself, man..hahaha" and from that, Luke just went into full hysteria. Couldn't they understand that this was serious! Who know's what's happening to that girl, i mean, not that i care.

BANG! Jesus Christ! I heard the millions of pieces of glass shatter and the groans of pain. "Help me" were the only two words I could decipher. I looked over my right shoulder- oh, what a surprise. Luke has just soiled himself -.-). I guess he really wasn't kidding earlier today. And the funniest part, instead of helping him, the boys just smothered him with their sweaty bodies. "This is just too much to handle" i say while rolling my eyes.

I gripped the medal handle again. OW! It was burning hot. I never finished college, so im really not that bright, but even i know a hot handle was deadly! I could already smell the grey clouds of smoke, seeping through the crack under the door. See, now this is the time when Toy Story 2 comes in handy.

Luke, Ashton, and i all held Calum, and used him as a human log, the same way Buzz, Woody and that Piggy Band carried that dinasour Rex. We pushed his body against the door until the door hinges loosened. "Oh my beautiful bum, all bruised up!" All Calum ever did was complain. Luke helped him up.

"Ashton! Go to the stage and warn everyone to evacuate the building!" I ordered.

"Yeah!" Calum agreed, still rubbing his sore butt. "I ain't getting sued." I swear, does that id ever think about anybody besides himself..well i mean, he does think of his best bud Luke. But never mind that! Now's not the time to get off topic. "Luke, contact Lou and 911! We're gonna need some backup here!" I scream. He left almost instantaneously. "Calum! Come with me!" I could barely hear myself over the crackling sound of fire on the other side of the door.

"Remember, we get the girl and get out!" I reminded. My throat was numb and i could barely breathe so Calum took over speaking leadership. "On three. Ready?" I nodded. "One, two, three!"

We both covered as much of our face as we could in our t-shirts. Calum's black tee could barely cover his nose, all i could cover was my chin in my Blink-182 shirt.


We've been searching for now five minutes and still no sign of this girl. "Michael, i don't feel so well." "Well don't come crying to me you big pussy!" Calum needs to learn how to man up. He held onto my arm for stability. "C'mon Calum!" I said impatiently. Every syllable i pronounced was louder than the last. "We don't got all day!"

We were now standing over scattered pieces of glass. They pooped when the heat got to them, making them jump all over. One hit me right in the leg. "MMMMMM!" I groaned as i bit my lip. "MICHAEL!" Calum tried to console me with a hug. "I'm FINE!" i said as i brushed him off; jostling him with my elbows. "Let's just get outta here! Forget the girl!" but i knew deep down inside i couldn't.

Calum and i made a break for the door, when i tripped and -THUD- landed face-first. It was a body! Oh God! But it doesn't feel female? I flipped it over but couldn't recognize the face, but i knew all too well the uniform. This man was the janitor. "Calum! Help me carry him outside!" Calum held his feet, and right as i reached for his hands, i noticed a bag, but it wasn't the bag that intrigued me, it was the contents held within. I'm sure my eyes were playing tricks on me, but by the look on Calums face, when i loosened the green, extra large garbage bag, told me this was not some sort of twisted nightmare.

A body. It was a fucking body. But guess what; it wasn't just any body, it was the teen girl's. Blood everywhere. Cuts on her legs, so deep, you could see yellow fluids coming out. Glass stuck in her heels, between her toes, and on her hands and knees. She also had blue fingerprint bruises on her throat. Our janitor was a fucking sick murderer!

HAK HAK. as i coughed up my lungs, i bent over to listen for a heartbeat. I could hear a faint heartbeat, and could see her chest rise and deflate on occasion, but it wasn't stable enough nor was it balanced like normal breathes. I could only visibly see her take quick ones twice every minute or so.

Again, Calum grabbed my shoulder, but this time, we both said nothing. I looked deep into his brown eyes and could sense the fear. I could practically read his pain without having to even having to exchange words. And yes, i admit he is an arrogant ass, but nonetheless, he is one of my best friends. "Calum, are you-"

And just then and there he collapsed on top of the janitor and the girl with the beautiful brown eyes. And i just stood there, in the midst of three bodies, just thinking, contemplating on what to do and who to save. Wouldn't it be nice to just lie down next to the three of them and embrace my fate with peace and serenity.


Hi guys! If you liked this chapter don't forgt to vote! Can i have 188 reads again to post the next chapter, and i just want to thank all of you for all the reads on this chapter. About 145! I know i haven't had this story posted for so long and with out you guy, i wouldn't have the motivation to continue writing. Yeah, i know, that sounded so mushy and soppy :P). Anyways, thanks again for reading guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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